A Cave in the Mountain

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"Sonic, where are you going?" Jesse said as he and the others ran the direction their blue peer was going.

"What was that hammer for anyway?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know," Kai replied. "But it must belong to someone he knows. It could be a clue saying that someone else is here besides us."

"And I wonder who it could be."

The group soon found themselves running down into what seemed to be an entrance of the mountain's cavern. They all didn't stop until they found Sonic standing inside an area of the cave that was dimly lit with torches. Suddenly silent, the rest of the group looked around the rocky area until Sonic turned around to look at them. Then, Ruby's silver eyes spotted a singular small plate on the ground holding an untouched chocolate chip cookie. What her eyes didn't notice was the rope that stood beside it.

"Ooh! Cookie!" A smile appeared on Ruby's face and she skipped to the cookie, her right foot stepping into the circle of rope without her noticing.

Meanwhile, the others turned to her. They all watched as the caped girl snatched the cookie from the plate.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Weiss said before the red-caped girl could eat the cookie.

"I found a cookie, Weiss!" Ruby held up the cookie.

"Well, don't eat it! It could be poisoned or something!"

"Relax! It was on a plate when I found it! No biggie."

Ruby opened her mouth so she can devour the cookie. But before she could, she and the rest of the group flinched when they heard a snapping sound from someplace else. The rope beside the now-empty plate began to unravel and suddenly, Ruby's ankle was trapped and it pulled her up. With a yelp, she accidentally dropped her cookie and now, she hung. The others looked up at her with disappointment while Rabbid Peach ignored it, for her eyes were concentrating on her cellphone.

"No biggie, huh?" Starlight raised an eyebrow, getting a nervous chuckle from Ruby.

All of the sudden, the group began to hear an echoed call from far away. Turning their heads to a dark hallway that displayed a glowing eye of what seemed to be a hideous monster that was about to come at them. In response, the group readied their weapons, Sonic holding the hammer with a tight grip while Neera pointed her spear. Rainbow's hoof bands were already illuminating and Mario had his Blast Cannon in his grasp.

"Whoever you are, stay back!" Lilac shouted.

"Just don't eat us please!" Dipper said with both his hands together.

Before all of them could react, a laugh was heard in the hallway. In response, the group fell into confusion.

"Me? Eating you?" A female voice was heard. "Why would I even do that? It's not like I'm some sort of monster!"

Soon, the source of the voice stepped out of the darkness to reveal herself. She wore a dark blue jacket with pink stripes going down the puffy sleeves with a white top, a pink skirt and white boots with pink laces. Draped over her shoulders was a brown tattered shawl, in her grasp was a silver and pink hammer and covering her face was a white mask with a silly face that revealed her bright blue eyes. One of her pink-gloved hands reached for her mask to reveal her face and her orange hair.

"Nora?!" Ruby and Weiss exclaimed.

"Ruby, Weiss, you're alive!" The girl known as Nora exclaimed. "That's a reliever!" She looked up at Ruby. "Well, it seems you fallen into one of my traps."

"Your traps?" Mario said, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you alone?" Ruby asked.

"Nah, not really. Ren and I fell into this realm and we found this cave that was being occupied by some weird rabbits like that one." Nora pointed to Rabbid Peach.

"Ren's okay?" Weiss said, getting a nod from her. With that, she sighed with relief.

"To continue my story," She continued. "We met a new face on the way and she holds a hammer too. But, she left it for her boyfriend to see." Nora suddenly noticed Sonic and the hammer he was holding. "Well, speak of the devil!"

Meanwhile, Cuphead winced, watching as Nora approached the blue hedgehog, who gave away his attention.

"Looks like her scheme worked! You must be her boyfriend!"

Sonic raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I'm sorry, who are you talking about?"

"Hmm..." Nora put a finger on her chin. "Maybe I should take you to her. But first, I'm gonna let one of my best friends down."

After she released Ruby from her ankle's restraint, Nora guided the group throughout the rest of the cave. As she did so, she told them her story. She and her boyfriend, Lie Ren, fell from the vortex and into Ninjago when the blizzard began. Seeking refuge, the two began to search for it until they both stumbled upon the big mountain they were all standing in. Upon arrival, they encountered a pink hedgehog who was searching for someone, and they let her join her search for refuge. That is until they found themselves standing in front of a mouth of a cave. Before any of them could enter, their pink friend left her hammer, the same one Sonic was holding, for that someone to find. As they traveled through the cave, Nora let out a sneeze and an army of rabbids came to attack them until their chief convinced them to spare them. Because of that, they were safe ever since.

After a long stroll, Nora had finally taken the group to another area in the cave that was full of rabbids, each one with tribal tattoos all over their bodies. A big fire surrounded by rocks was in the center of the cave area, and twenty rabbids were dancing and singing around it.

"This is where you've been hiding this entire time?" Jesse said, looking at Nora.

"Yeah." Nora nodded. "It's not that bad. Not only that this place is safe from that snowstorm, but I also have a doppelganger!"

"Doppelganger?" The group repeated.

The group suddenly heard loud footsteps approaching them and they turned around to find a rabbid that was dressed like Nora running up to them with a toy hammer.

"Hey, Other Nora!" She said before giving her counterpart a fist bump.

"You have one too?" Dipper said, and a smile appeared on his face. "I know someone who has one too, but he's cooler."

"Oh, she's so cute!" Ruby began to jump up and down. "I wish I had a rabbid doppelganger!"

"In your dreams." Weiss crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, Rabbid Peach looked up from her phone to look at the rabbid known as Other Nora. Her gaze quickly got the rabbid's attention and the hammer rabbid skipped to her. Both rabbids smiled at each other before the princess-like rabbid held up her phone and took a picture of herself and Other Nora. The others just watched in silence.

"I don't know what's weird." Cuphead said. "It's either what's going on right now or this."

"I should be saying the same thing." Mario replied, looking at the cup in red.

"Maybe I should find this weird, but touching." Kai crossed his arms.

"Nora," Neera said, getting the hammer girl's attention. "It's a pleasure that you brought us to your sanctuary, but may I suggest that you should take us to these rabbids' leader."

"Oh! If you say so!" Nora looked at her little rabbid self. "Other Nora, can you please take us to the chief?"

Other Nora nodded and began to walk while the others followed her. The trip there, however, fell into silence as they walked. Then, Jesse looked at the rest of the group.

"Guys, keep your eyes and ears open." He whispered. "That monster will come here any moment."

As a response, the others gave Jesse nods of agreement.

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