Chapter 4

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The muffled noises of chattering could be heard within my surroundings as my eyelashes slowly fluttered open. The sounds were clearly coming from outside of the unfamiliar room that I was laying in and confusion burst through my head.

Where was I?

The last thing I remembered was Antonio throwing me out on the streets, and then having to sleep on some random bench. But now I was laying inside of a luxurious bed with a room that looked like it was fit for a King. Or a Queen in my case.

I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes and started to stand up. My body had completely been stripped of the clothes that I had on earlier and I seemed to be clothed with some kind of gold-coloured gown.

My eyebrows furrowed and my fingers ran their way down my petite frame, feeling the sensational softness of the gown. It was silky and felt like heaven beneath my fingers. A small smile played on my lips as I looked around at the interior of the room. The beautiful chandelier that hung on the ceiling; the creme-coloured bed that was slightly crinkled due to the use; the wooden floor that had a slight cold touch; the size, and the beautiful paintings that hung up on the walls. They were paintings of fruits and ladies and sceneries.

Nothing like what Antonio had. His were always dark and dismal.

Suddenly a maid burst into the room and caused me to jump up in shock, her eyes widening at the sight of me. "You're awake!"

Her voice was excited and filled with happiness. But I was still confused and so I furrowed my eyebrows at her and asked, "Where am I?"

Her head tilted to the side — almost as if she was looking at a dog. "Ah, I know you must be confused." She began to walk inside of the room and tidy up the bed-sheets. "Leon found you last night. You were on the streets as you'd probably know, and he decided to take you in."

I had a feeling that the maid assumed she had some kind of higher power than me. Maybe because she thought I was some dirty girl off the streets, but either way, I didn't like her tone.

"I still don't know where I am." I answered her back. My tone may have been slightly off-hand but so was hers.

Her eyes narrowed at me. "You're at Alessandro Bellini's Estate."

Alessandro Bellini. That name sounded familiar. As if I had heard it before. My eyebrows furrowed once again and I tried to remember where exactly I had heard it from. But clearly the maid was getting annoyed with me.

"I need to clean up the room. Would you mind leaving?"

I jumped back slightly at her remark. It sounded passive-aggressive and unnecessarily irritated.

What was her problem with me?

"Uh, sure..." I replied awkwardly, making my way out of the room and into the long hallway.

The hallways were similar to Antonio's — except there were pictures on either side of the walls, and the beech-wood of the doors was brown instead of black. My strides were short and unsure as I followed the sound of chattering at the end of the hallway.

My heart seemed to thump wildly in my chest, almost as if I was fearful of what there may be at the end.

Alessandro Bellini. It sounded like someone that I should fear... someone that came with danger. And that was something that made me hesitate when coming nearer to the kitchen. The chattering became more audible. A mix of raspy voices could be heard — clearly men — and it seemed as though they were discussing business, while the rare interjection of women's voices joined.

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