Chapter 32

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I have been super busy the last few weeks. That is why I haven't updated for quite a while but I AM BACK and here is an update.

Don't worry... I didn't forget about you :P




That was my first thought when I opened my eyes. The light that was peeking through the gaps of my blinds were like lasers. Burning through my pupils and causing me to shield myself with the covers and wince sharply. Why did it have to be so bright? It wasn't exactly the middle of Summer but I guess it was slowly making its way in.

It took a few moments to adjust but when I finally managed to — I sat up and looked to my side. There my sweet angel was. Sleeping with small noises escaping from her mouth. I was surprised my wincing hadn't woken her; not wanting to disturb her peacefulness, I slid out of the covers and grabbed my shirt and pants.

Eva groaned softly in her sleep and then turned to the other side, meaning I no longer had sight of her sleepy face.

Disappointment settled in my stomach. So I walked around to where she was facing and bowed down, placing the most gentle kiss on her cheek and then smiling to myself. I was so fucking lucky.

Leaving her alone to sleep, I left the bedroom and looked into hers. The bed was perfectly made and her things were still scattered around. I doubted that she was going to use her room ever again — or at least I hoped not. Things were too cosy when her petite body was engulfed in my arms... I never wanted to go back to those lonely nights I once passed by.

The distant sounds of chattering came from the kitchen and I presumed everyone else was awake.

There was a maid cleaning my office which meant it was around nine. I walked to the very end of the hallway and peered my head into the kitchen. Just like I thought — everyone was gathered around the table with coffees surrounding them.

"Morning," I called out as I walked over to the table. Everyone turned their heads towards me and gave their own greetings before I sat down at the head.

"Eva is still sleeping?" Leah asked while she was in the process of grabbing a banana from the fruit-bowl.

I nodded my head and then turned my head towards Vito when he spoke. "Ah yeah. I've noticed you're sharing a bed now."

Trying to hide my cocky smile was useless. The corners of my mouth were twitching upwards and everyone grinned at each other. Everyone knew what went on with Eva and I. It was clear whenever we were together, that love was rushing through our veins for one another.

There wasn't any point in trying to hide it.

"You're the sweetest," Rosie spoke from the kitchen-counter. Her smile was bright as I looked over my shoulder.

"Honestly." Leon chuckled to himself, smirking up at me. "I actually can't believe my guarded older brother was able to open his heart again..."

"You're not any better," I narrowed my eyes at him, but I knew that Leon was completely different than I was. For some reason, he was able to open his heart to people easier. Why? I would never know. Perhaps because he'd never had his heart broken, ripped from his chest and destroyed right infront of his eyes. Or maybe he was just more of an open person.

Either way — I was no longer the guarded man that I once possessed. I didn't belong to the darkness anymore; I belonged to her, my sweet Eva, my angel that had been sent to me from above. And she had changed me for the better.

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