Chapter 18

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Always see the good in people.

That's always what my mother would tell me – from being a young age. I was taught to be kind and have empathy for other people. That's partially the reason why I found it easy to accept Alessandro as he was.

I knew that the darkness in his life guarded his heart and made him seem harsh and cold – but I had seen his warm side. The side that takes me out to a rooftop-restaurant, the side that takes an interest in the kind of person I am, the side that makes me feel as though I could fly.

He cared to accept my darkness so I was prepared to accept his.

The next day was almost silent at breakfast. Nobody spoke except Rosie when she wanted something, or wondered what we'd like. Alessandro had a stern face – an untouchable expression that even Arianna couldn't change.

Her little face was confused and upset as she looked up at her father with sparkling eyes. "Daddy, you look upset."

Alessandro looked down at her with an unwavering glance. "I'm fine. Eat your toast.."

Arianna picked the slice of toast up and nibbled on it nervously. I felt sorry for her; she looked as though she didn't know what she had done wrong.

"Ari," I ushered in a whisper, making her head lift up. I patted my lap with a welcoming smile and I noticed her eyes lighting up.

Slowly, she walked over and took a seat on my lap with her toast infront of her. Alessandro's eyes drifted up at me and though his expression didn't change, I picked up on the gratitude that was hidden behind his orbs.

"Are you okay?" I whispered against her ear. Her head bobbed and she nibbled on her toast once again.

Rosie eventually walked over and began taking the empty plates. "Does anyone want anything else?"

Everyone looked up towards her and shook their heads. Still, a lack of words were uttered.

Until he spoke.

"Eva, please could I talk to you in private?" Alessandro asked me. The sound of his voice made my heart stutter in my chest after not hearing it for so long.

I nodded my head and placed Arianna down, before standing up in sync with his movements, and making my way into the corridor.

Once he was standing infront of me with nobody else around, he began to speak. I was pressed against the wall and looking up at his rich brown eyes. "I just wanted to speak to you about today," he began to say with a long breath. "I'm having someone important over to discuss the situation with Leon. I need you to make sure Ari isn't around to disturb anything."

A few thoughts swirled around my head before his voice came again. "She likes going to the beach. You could maybe take her there for the day? If you don't mind, that is."

If I didn't mind? I loved spending time with Ari.

My head bobbed enthusiastically. "Of course! I'll take her there when you start your meeting."

He nodded in response and then looked into my eyes. "Thank you, by the way."

I wasn't quite sure what he was thanking me for. Whether he was thanking me for looking after Arianna, thanking me for what I did in the kitchen... or just thanking me in general. But I didn't ask any further question. All I did was smile and speak to him with a genuine tone. "It's my pleasure."

He gave me one last grateful smile before looking at his watch. "I better get ready. He'll be here soon."

"What time, exactly?" I asked.

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