Chapter 14

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Three days later
"Here you are." Rosie told me with her usual kind-hearted smile. The painting equipment in her hands instantly caused excitement to course through my body.

She'd asked what I enjoyed doing and I told her that painting had always been a passion of mine. Even though I hadn't painted in such a long time, I held the passion close to my heart.

Due to my boredom when Arianna was elsewhere, she ordered for someone to go out and buy me a canvas and paints, along with other artsy stuff like pencils and notebooks.

"Thank you so much. How can I repay-"

Her head tilted to the side with a crooked smile on her pretty face.

Rosie really was beautiful. And it wasn't just on the outside — even her heart and soul was breath-taking. The way she cared for others, specifically me considering I was on the streets before coming to the Estate. It was a breath of fresh-air.

"You know that I never expect anything." Her voice was airy and dripped with compassion.

"But that doesn't mean I can't give you things anyway." I answered with my eyebrows wiggling. Her lips spread in a wide smile and she looked down at the painting equipment.

"Is this okay, then?"

"Perfect." I responded with a nod.

Her smile lingered for a few moments before her eyes glowed with curiosity.

"Since when have you loved painting?"

A nostalgic chuckle vibrated through my chest. "Ever since I was a little girl. I've always been artistic."

Her lips curved upwards. "You'll have to show me once you've finished."

I nodded in agreement, walking over and placing the equipment on my bedroom desk.

When I turned around, it appeared that her face had become serious. The happiness and curiosity that had took place seconds ago had completely vanished — almost as if she had remembered something terrible.

"Are you okay?" I asked her with concern in my tone.

"It's just that... have you spoken to Alessandro yet?"

My heart stuttered at her question. Her reminder of what was going on with Alessandro and I.

We hadn't spoken in the last three days and after our little encounter on the hallway, speaking with him was the last thing on my mind.

In fact — I despised him for how he made me feel. The weakness that he inflicted on me.

And I told myself that night, that I couldn't let him do something like that to me again. He caused me pain and seems to think that everything will be okay due to his penetrating gaze.

Well f*ck that.

"No. And I don't plan on it." I told her, walking over to my bed and sitting on the edge with my legs crossed.

Her body slowly moved over to where I was sitting and she perched herself next to me. "He's a good guy. I know he can sometimes say things that hurt people but he never means to."

"It's not about that," I answered with my head shaking. "His words hurt me. And I need him to understand that. I don't want him assuming that just by getting up-close and making my heart race, he can change my mind."

Rosie nodded to indicate that she agreed and understood me before looking at me with her hopeful blue eyes. "Just don't hold anything against him. I can tell that he thinks highly of you."

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