Chapter 15

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Here's an update guys!
If there's any mistakes, not just in this chapter, but in the rest of the book, just let me know! Cause I read over the chapters but I do sometimes miss spelling mistakes, auto-correct, etc... so just drop me a comment.
Happy reading :)



Her tipsy body moved with the paintbrush and I could have sworn I heard quiet hums coming from her mouth.

I'd stand there forever if it meant I could watch Eva in such a peaceful daze – doing what she did best, and looking beautiful while doing so, even if her back was facing me.

Even if I couldn't see her face... I knew she was beautiful. The happiness on her face would undoubtedly shine through her gorgeous eyes and reflect through her vibrant smile while the brush caressed the paper.

And then I remembered how she wasn't speaking to me, and my heart immediately dropped to the pits of my stomach.

My reminder that I had hurt her with my ignorance. My reminder of how much of an idiot I was.

All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her, observe her talents, discover the depths of her soul and compliment every single thing about her. Just to see her face light up at my words.

Just to see her happy because of me.

But I couldn't possibly ever do that – at least not right now.

"Alessandro." Her delicate voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my eyes shot up, only to see that she had turned around. Her facial expression was a mix between confused and challenging. "Why are you in my room?"

I found myself shuttering under her narrowed gaze. "I-I was just seeing if you were still awake."

Why the f*ck was I stumbling over my words? The realisation of weakness washed over me and I immediately cleared my throat, steeling the softness of my face and looking at her with stressed eyebrows.

"It's not that late." Her tone was clear and contained slight interest.

"Right." I rapidly responded. "Well I was just going so-"

"No," her voice was quick and stopped me in my tracks. I slowly looked over and my eyebrows knitted together in confusion until her voice came again, in a hushed whisper. "Stay."

"You want me to stay?"

A few strands of chocolate-brown hair fell to her face in the most graceful way as she nodded slowly. "Rosie got some equipment for me," she spoke, wiggling her index finger in the direction of her bedroom desk where the rest of the equipment was. "I don't know where she gets all her thoughtfulness from."

A chuckle rumbled through my body with my eyes glued to the equipment. "I don't think anybody does."

We both kept silent after those short words that we shared. The only words in the last three days.

Eva had her eyes on me but she looked as though she was in deep thought... debating, thinking, reminiscing. I worried about her instantly. Like she was precious and fragile – the mere thought of pain being unacceptable in my eyes. What is going on in that head of yours, Eva?

As I looked behind her, I noticed the painting clearer.

It was broken-up and clearly nowhere near finished but I could see the outline of an oval-shaped face with small details around like strands of brown hair and parts of eyelashes that had been carefully painted with midnight-black paint.

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