Chapter 41

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As soon as I saw Alessandro — I felt my heart explode in my chest, every single emotion that had been blocking my veins, pouring out endlessly. And I had no control over my emotions. The tears that were behind my eyelids were too stunned to show; all I could do was stare at him.

He looked battered and bruised. The image of him made every single bone in my body quiver — both with anger and pain.

His eyes were huge. Those warm orbs that I'd craved for weeks were hidden by his swollen, bruised skin. Kiss them away... that's all I wanted to do.

Examine each inch of his body and kiss all the agony away. If only I was able to heal him like that. Alessandro was thrown to the floor and I reached out to catch him, but I failed as my body was too slow and weak to save him in time.

After he'd regained himself, my voice couldn't help but speak out.

His name was on my lips.

On the tip of my tongue after two whole weeks. I had missed the feeling of warmth that I got from speaking of him.

His swollen eyes met mine and I knew that he recognised me. Both of us had heartbeats that were in unison; we were still connected but in the most tragic way.

Our moment was cut short, however, when I saw someone grab Alessandro and drag him to his feet before he could even speak a word to me. I watched agony spread across his face at the impact before the harsh voice of the Devil himself spoke out.

"Happy to see each other?" Antonio mocked with a smirk — holding my love by his tattered clothing. My eyes began to water as I watched Alessandro weakened by the men around him. It hurt even more than I wasn't able to hold him and save him from them...

"What do you want?" I cried meekly up at Antonio. My father was standing beside him with multiple other men surrounding him and myself.

In one swift movement — he grabbed the metallic weapon from his back pocket and pressed it against Alessandro's temple. My heart thundered and I felt the blood in my veins pulsing. Tears poured down my cheeks rapidly and I felt my whole body leap toward, only to be held back by strong arms.

"Please," I begged through my sobbing.

Antonio had no remorse or sympathy. No matter how much I pleaded, I knew that he would never allow mercy to enter his cold heart. The hatred I had for him was beyond words.

"I've wanted to be in this position for so long," Antonio growled with his mouth snarling towards Alessandro. "To be able to murder you with one pull of a trigger..."

My heart was hammering inside my chest and I felt as though my stomach was churning up vomit as I crouched weakly on the floor. Every bone in my body wanted to attack but my head told me that I was far too weak and defenceless.

"Leave him alone-"

"Shut up!" Antonio bellowed as the gun was swiftly darted towards my head.

Alessandro and I both flinched in unison and then I heard Alessandro's croaky voice.

It brought pain to my chest.

"Take me..."

My head shook and I felt warm tears pour from my eyes.

"Please don't hurt her," He breathed heavily. "Just take me. I'm the only one who deserves this... she deserves to live her life."

Antonio smirked and I could have sworn my bones shook in rage. All I wanted to do was punch the amusement off his ugly face and save Alessandro. Hold him in my arms and remind him that I'll fight for him until my last breath.

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