Chapter 11

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Her tiny body quivered in my arms, her head laying on my shoulder and tears dropping on the polestar of my blazer. "It's okay, baby." I comforted her softly. My heart was shattering even more with every second I held her. To see my angel in such a painful state hurt me more than anything else ever would.

"It's the memories, Daddy."

I could tell that she was trying her best to hold the tears back but the muffled, croaky sobs remained. My hand rubbed her back gently. "I know. I know.."

Eventually her head bobbed back up — her face inches from mine. Red patches coloured her face, her cloudy eyes blood-shot and her lips shaking uncontrollably. "I want her back.... I want all the memories to go."

Quiet sniffles left her mouth and nose. My face dropped in sorrow at the image of my daughter. And I felt my whole chest caving in. "I do too." I whispered. "But she's gone, baby...."

Arianna rubbed the tears from her eyes with fisted hands. Trying her best to erase the pain... but never permanently getting rid of it.

Her sweet heart would never let it go... and that killed me inside.

"Is she feeling better?" A soft voice spoke from the door-frame. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Leon standing there. His face was filled with concern.

Of course, he was the uncle so it hurt him just as much as it hurt me. In fact — it hurt the whole family.

"Can I have a hug, Uncle Leon?" Arianna whimpered with her arms stretched in Leon's direction.

Leon automatically rushed forward and scooped her body in his arms, holding her tight against his chest. It made me smile to know that even though she felt pain, she had people around her that would never give up on her happiness. People that would never hurt her.

"I've managed to calm her down," I spoke gently to Leon, rubbing her back. "It's her first in a while though."

Arianna quickly looked up at me — her body swerving in my direction — as her eyes glowed. "One month." She informed me, holding up her index finger. "I've been counting."

Leon and I both looked at her with amused smiles.

"That's good though." Leon said with a genuine smile on his face to see her lively again. "You've improved since last time."

Arianna sighed and leaned on Leon's shoulder. "Yeah, but I want to get rid of them completely... forever."

"You will. One day." I told her with truth dripping from my voice. I'd make sure of it.

"Have some water. You'll be thirsty after all that crying." Leon said, walking over to the fridge in the corner and grabbing one of the bottles that I kept there. He handed it to Arianna and then looked back at me. "Any news with-"

My hand shot up. "Not now." I mumbled. "Just focus on Ari. I can't be doing with extra stress right now."

Leon nodded and watched as I raked my fingers though my hair and sighed. I remembered the way that I had spoken to Eva. The way I barked at her and she looked as though she was terrified as she scurried out of the room.

Tension brought out the worst in me.

"I should go and apologise to Eva." I told Leon with my features twisting. "I kinda barked at her before."

Arianna turned her head gave me a dirty look which made me smile. "What?"

"You were mean to Eva?" She answered with her adorable angry face.

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