Chapter 28

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This song will make your heart melt. I definitely recommend <3



I didn't understand what had gone on. Eva completely exploded on me. The broken shards of glass on the floor were the evidence of her shocking anger; I had seen her annoyed, but never as angry as she was when she stormed into the office.

My eyes were still wide with shock. It baffled me that she thought I was talking about her being a burden. After everything we had been through, she thought I would just throw it away? In fact — it broke my heart to know that she would ever think like that.

Eva was my Queen, my angel... I thought the world of her. And I would always want her around me; losing her would shatter me.

"What's her problem?" Angelina scoffed beside me, staring at the broken glass that lay before us. "What a bitch! How could you let her talk to you like that?"

Anger immediately rushed through me and I felt myself grow stiff. "Don't call her that."

Angelina scoffed once again and crossed her arms over her chest. Her head shook — almost in disappointment — and she looked at me. Her expression was tense and surprised. "You don't actually love her, do you?"

My fists balled by my sides and I had to fight the urge to roar the Estate down to the ground. And then she spoke again.

"You deserve someone a lot more worthy than a dirty girl on the streets-"

"Shut up." I spat at her mid-sentence. Her body leaned back slightly in shock at my outburst. "Just shut up. I don't need you telling me who I deserve. You're my maid; that's all."

Angelina looked hurt. But I didn't care. I was sick of her getting involved in my personal life. She seemed to think she meant something to me, that I was somehow meant to be with her in any way there was. Elena had to deal with her constant torment but I wouldn't allow Eva to have to endure the same.

"Now get out, and do your duties." I said coldly.

Her face slowly turned from hurt to angry. "Fine," she empathised the word with her eyes narrowed. I could see the annoyance in her twisted lips. "Thanks for the warm welcome back."

Her words were nothing to me. As she left my office, I felt pain spread through my chest as the image of Eva crying surfaced in my mind once again. Her sweet tears, all because of me.

I needed to hold her and tell her how much I loved her. I needed to do it before it was too late.

Stalking down the hallway, I raced towards her room. There she was, packing some kind of bag with soft sobs coming from her mouth. I watched her for a few moments before her croaky voice made its way through her throat. "Get out, Alessandro."

"Eva..." I gently spoke, slowly stepping into the room, cautious not to make her cry again.

"No," she stopped me, her blood-shot eyes darting up at me. I could see that she was trying to hold back her tears. "Don't come anywhere near me. I don't want you anywhere near me. Please."

God... her sorrowful voice and the way she looked at me weakly, broke my heart right in my chest. All I wanted to do was kiss away the pain. Remind her that she means the world to me. But she couldn't stand me being near her; she couldn't handle the burden of my presence after I hurt her.

"Eva, you don't understand-"

"Yes I do," she interrupted me, strength entering her voice once again. "I understand everything, Alessandro, because it's all I've ever known. I love you. I love you so much, and I was starting to believe that you loved me too.... that I actually had something beautiful in my life..." Her eyes cast themselves down and one tear rolled from her eye. "But I guess something like that is too good to be true... and I've realised that now."

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