Chapter 4

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Again, I am surprised that I managed to get this chapter up so quickly! A bit of a long chapter and finally some more interaction between Jarrett and Galyn.


Chapter 4:

Jarrett was walking through the streets of Etria, doing a few errands for Rosa and his guild when something caught his attention. There was a bit of a commotion happening in the central plaza, a huge crowd of locals and explorers chattering anxiously in front of the billboard that held numerous official statements and where announcements were posted.

His interest piqued, Jarrett ventured closer and stood next to a man he recognised around town, but didn’t really know. “What’s going on?” he asked him.

Turning to glance at him, the bystander gave a short nod before turning to look at the notice board again. “There were more deaths at the clinic again last night,” he answered bluntly.

Jarrett frowned deeply. “What happened?”

“No one knows,” the man said as he also gave a shrug. “Some say that a terrible monster mauled them in the labyrinth, while others are saying something dodgy is happening at the clinic. It’s scaring explorers.”

“That’s understandable,” Jarrett murmured as he nodded his head.

Looking around at the crowds, Jarrett found his attention drawn to a corner of the town’s centre. A part from the crowds that were looking aghast at the billboard was another group of people. However, they were surrounding a pretty blond haired medic – Mira. Jarrett’s frown deepened further as he felt more agitated the more he looked at her.

Mira was at the centre of the crowd, sniffling and openly weeping. She daintily dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, trying to offer those around her a brave smile. She looked so mournful and yet strong.

Perhaps Jarrett was just bias, but there was something…fake about her. He couldn’t help but suspect that she was really relishing in the attention.

Amongst the crowd of somewhat familiar groupies of Mira, Jarrett noticed a small group of female explorers. He recognised them as being the “Only Girls Allowed” guild known as the Sirens. Beautiful and talented, they had the attention of many admirers.

Jarrett, however, wasn’t one of them.

“Don’t cry, Mira,” the pink-haired protector, he was pretty sure was named Momo, cooed as she gently stroked Mira’s hair. “You did all that you could. More than anyone else could.”

“Yeah,” a black-haired clad ronin named Akiko added. “If it weren’t for you, they would have died a lot sooner.”

“I know…” Mira sniffled before she sighed deeply, her hand resting over her heart in a ‘sincere’ manner. “It’s just so sad that they had to die so tragically. The labyrinth is very dangerous. I worry every day.”

“We know that you do, Mir,” the pink-haired dark hunter named Jackie said.

Jarrett felt his eye twitch…She was getting more attention and comfort than those who had actually lost friends or family members. That wasn’t right. In fact, the sight of Mira relishing in the constant adoration of others was very, very irritating.

Looking away in disgust, Jarrett inexplicably spotted Galyn in the crowed. She was standing in front of a wooden notice board, looking up at it with tense shoulders.

Jarrett watched, his gaze softening as Galyn carefully read the list before unexpectedly raising her hand. She gently trailed her fingertips over the sheet of paper with the names of those who had recently died, as recently as last night. She seemed to trace a couple of them before suddenly curling her hand into a fist and slamming it against the notice board. Even from his distance, Jarrett could see that she was trembling, from barely suppressed anger and frustration. She then glanced over in the direction of Mira and her groupies before spinning around and storming off in the opposite direction.

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