Chapter 10

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Note: I wasn't very happy with chapter 9, so I edited and added a few more things and expanded on a conversation between Jarrett and Galyn. So please re-read chapter 9 and let me know what you think of the changes. Chapter 10 is more of a filler than anything, but the next chapter should be more interesting. Either way, please comment!


Jarrett sat on the edge of Galyn's bed as he watched her sleep. After she had confessed to him the real reason why she was so determined to stop Mira she had exhausted herself crying and fallen asleep in his arms. Deciding not to risk carrying her back to the mansion, he picked her up in his arms and laid her on her bed, where he watched over her all night. He didn’t lie down with her as he was still on high alert for any possible threats.

He was used to pulling all-nighters anyway. Trekking through the labyrinth from dusk to dawn wasn’t anything new.

Looking down at Galyn, Jarrett couldn’t help but run his fingers through her hair, amazed by her strength and bravery. He was also worried for her. Her determination to oust Mira as a murderer was putting her own life on the line. It was obvious that there was a silent code where no one was to speak ill of Mira for they should pay the consequences.

But he also understood Galyn’s desperation. Losing someone you considered family was painful. Extremely painful. And to lose them to murder? How could anyone accept something like that? One might be able to find closure if it was an accident or their loved one had died in the labyrinth, but to be murdered at the clinic? Galyn’s need for justice was understandable.


Feeling Galyn begin to stir under his hand, Jarrett pulled himself from his thoughts and watched as Galyn began to wake up. He pulled his hand back so not to startle her and waited. Blinking open her eyes, Galyn appeared rather stunned and disorientated, probably wondering when and how she crawled into bed. She rolled over onto her side, appearing ready to fall back to sleep when she finally looked at Jarrett. That was when she really woke up.

Pushing herself into a sitting position, Galyn looked at him with a soft sense of astonishment. "...You stayed," she murmured.

As if he could leave her alone after everything that had happened.

Reaching out, Jarrett cupped the side of Galyn’s face in his hand. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

Galyn subconsciously leaned toward his hand as she continued to look at him with her large violet eyes. A light blush suddenly appeared on her cheeks, yet made no attempt to remove his hand from her cheek. “I look like a wreck, don’t I?” she asked softly.

With her red eyes and puffy cheeks, she kinda did. Her hair was slightly frizzy and her clothes were wrinkled and much too big on her. But she also looked kinda pretty. A natural pretty as it were. He wasn’t at all put off by her appearance. Not in the slightest.

“In all honesty, you look like shit,” Jarrett said as he gave her a small smile. “But that’s understandable.”

The corners of Galyn’s mouth twitched into a smile before she gave a light laugh, seemingly releasing the tension she had been holding in. She grabbed at Jarrett’s hand with her right hand, pulling it away from her face as she rubbed her cheeks with her left hand.

“Sorry,” she said as she gave a strained chuckle. “I better go pretty myself up then, huh?”

Curling his fingers around Galyn’s hand, Jarrett helped her off the bed and to stand on her feet. Galyn gave him a small smile, a sincere one without a sign of embarrassment as she squeezed his hand. She didn’t say anything, she just gave his hand a squeeze before letting go and heading into the bath room to freshen up.

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