Chapter 15

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Author’s Notes: Thank you very much Hannyhannyhannah for commenting. I’m glad you liked the previous chapter and hope that you’ll enjoy this chapter as well. This chapter is a bit hectic, but also somewhat fun to write. The ending of this chapter will please the Jarrett/Galyn fans, I’m sure.


Jarrett could barely believe it. Despite the way Galyn was struggling in his hold, the drunkard managed to make his way over to the Geomagnetic Pole and warp somewhere inside the labyrinth.


Was he heading to the second stratum? That was where Jarrett and his guild activated the geomagnetic pole. There was no way that the bastard could have gotten further than that, right?

In a last act of defiance, Momo and Akiko tried to block his path, giving the man holding Galyn hostage more time to do what he was ordered to do. But it only proved to anger Jarret further. Did they actually think they’d be able to stop him? Even for just a second?

Fuck not using physical force!

Jarrett growled lowly, dangerously, as he holstered his weapon and in one fluid movement, used one of his attacks. “Draining Burst!”

He wasn’t sure what happened to the protector or ronin as he rushed past them, the heated wind of his attack rushing around his ears. They could be dead as far as he knew. The only thing that ran through his head was that he needed to get to Galyn. Before that bastard did anything to her.

After she was safe, with him, he would deal with that bastard next. He was going to kill that bastard. Fucking murder him and feed him to a cutter. Without mercy.

Rushing from the swirling pink light onto the exotic jungle setting of the sixth floor, Jarrett stopped at the cross roads, frantically looking left and right. Where did they go? Were they even on this floor?

“Galyn!” Jarrett yelled as loud as he could before stilling, listening desperately.


Whipping his head to his right, where he figured he heard Galyn’s voice, he pressed forward, running faster than he had ever done before. Skidding around the corner, Jarrett barely paused in his movements. In front of him he could see two figures. Galyn was no longer being held in a choke hold, but she was still held in his grasp. He had a powerful grip on her arm, his large hand wrapped completely around her slender arm.

“Jarrett!” Galyn called out to him with fear and desperation on her face and in her voice. But she was quickly whipped around again in a harsh manner. She placed her hand on the guy’s wrist in a futile attempt to force him to let her go. “Let go!”

“Shut up!” the guy hissed before he threw her into the foliage with a single hand and abruptly following himself. He knew of the short cut to the stairs that led to the next floor. But how? How could an oafish boar like him know his way around the labyrinth?

Barrelling through the short cut, Jarrett slipped and skidded over the soft grass, but it did little to slow him down. He kept pushing himself forward. He couldn’t slow down. Not even for a second.

Stepping onto the seventh floor, heard a guttural scream of pain as if someone had the wind knocked out of them. That person was Galyn. He was sure of it.

Jarrett pressed forward. Rounding a corner, he noticed that patches of blood stained the ground. It was fresh. Very recent. And it was Galyn’s blood. That bastard hurt her.

Jarrett hardened his resolve, his grip on his weapon tightening with white knuckles.

Following the blood, Jarrett quickly realise that they were leading to the stairs. The eighth floor now? Just where was that bastard taking her? What was he trying to do? He knew nothing of the eighth floor, but that didn’t matter. He just had to get to Galyn. That was all that mattered.

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