Chapter 8

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After a rather successful day in the labyrinth, Jarrett was leading his team back into town, intent on heading back to the Mansion. The more he thought about Galyn’s personal mission on finding out what happened to those deceased explorers, the more he didn’t like it. Those explorers had been murdered. No doubt about that. But how they were murdered was still a mystery to them.

One thing certain, though – Mira was involved in some way.

“Oh, hello everyone.” Ah, speak of the she-devil herself.

Jarrett felt a scowl appear on his face as he reluctantly turned his attention to the blonde-haired medic. He would like to ignore her and keep walking, but Mira and her guild the Sirens were virtually blocking his path.

Flicking his gaze toward Mira, Jarrett narrowed his eyes further. Mira was standing in front of the group, looking precious and beautiful as she placed her hand over her heart in a sincere manner.

“Oh, I am so glad to see that you are all safe and sound,” Mira sighed dramatically as she smiled with relief.

Jarrett’s eyebrow twitched as the rest of his guild stood silently behind him. Simon sighed as he pushed up his glasses onto his nose, Arthur folded his arms behind his head, Ricky tilted her head to the side in question and Raquna simply blinked. No one made any attempt to engage in any friendly talk.

Somewhat startled by the lack of response, Mira’s eyes subtly hardened, but she continued to smile so brightly. “We should all sit down for some drinks. Two guild mixing together sounds like fun, don’t you think?”

Before Jarrett could bite out a direct ‘No’, Raquna beat him in replying.

“I’m always up for a drink or two!” she grinned widely.

Not wanting to leave his teammates alone with the guild Jarrett suspected had something to do with the sudden increase of deaths at the clinic, Jarrett reluctantly agreed to tag along. He didn’t miss the smug look on Mira sent him before fluttering her eyelashes at Simon, who was wisely unresponsive.

Mira continued to flit and flirt between the two guilds as they made their way into the bar; appearing as though she was attempting to fuss over everyone. As everyone took their seats, Mira made her way over to the bar to order their drinks, flicking her hair over her shoulder and sashayed through the other patrons and admirers.

Ignoring the way the Sirens were trying to chat with Arthur and Simon (and totally snubbing Ricky and Raquna) Jarrett felt his eyebrow twitch again, irritated by how everyone seemed to be swooning over Mira. She wasn’t popular or beloved – she was practically worshipped. It was sicking.

After ordering her drinks, Mira seemed to linger at the bar as Valerie moved onto the next patron. Mira huddled near the drinks, hunched over them, before suddenly straightening, flicking back her hair and seemed to compose herself. Picking up the tray, she quickly made her way back over to the table.

“Here, I got everyone drinks,” Mira said as she placed the tray onto the table, immediately picking up a cup in the middle of the tray.

“Thanks, Mir!” Momo beamed as she took her drink and gave Mira an over the top look of admiration and gratitude. “You're so kind.”

Mira returned the compliment with a smile before turning to look at Jarrett and placing the drink she had immediately grabbed in front of him. “Here you go, Jarrett,” she said as she smiled sweetly. “Just for you.”

Jarrett glanced at the drink, at first making no attempt to take it as he found it rather suspicious. But as he glanced up to look with narrow eyes toward Mira, he caught something over her shoulder. The sight of a familiar orange-haired medic, with her medical bag over her shoulder and katana strapped to her side was greatly reassuring.

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