A Dadvid Epilogue (& A/N)

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David watched as Max entered his home. His parents sweetly asked for David to bring Max home instead of picking them up themselves.

When David first heard Max's parents over the phone they sounded sweet and kind, but once Max set a foot in their house all he heard was yelling, either at Max or each other.

A few minutes passed and David stayed to make sure he is okay, he wasn't. Max was pushed out the door. "F*ck you! Its better to be adopted than to live in a house with parents like you!" Max fought. "Adopted?! Sure! Here!" The father threw all of Max's belongings. It looked like they were prepared to kick him out. "Mistake.." he said and shut the door.

David ran to Max in the pouring rain. Max's face welled with tears. He sobbed, "What a great time to have rain." He mumbled. He noticed a shadow infront of him who was.. "David? You came back?"

"I never left."
David said smiling, he sat on the stair next to Max, "Max?"
Max turns seeing David grab all his stuff "Let's go home."

Max started to smile a bit and hugged David longer than before. Once Max pulled away, David squated down and hugged Max.


"Why didn't you bring the umbrella?!"
Max asked and both looked at the sad umbrella on the front seat if his car.


Even if Max was annoyed living with them at first, he grew on it. It's better to live with PARENTS who cares.


~-->*Author's (apology) Note*<--~

My Dearest, Readers (does anyone get the reference?)

I know its been SIX months, and I am terribly sorry, I just sorta lost motivation, also I did not feel it anymore.. until every once in a while SOME still ask for me to continue, so I wanted to publish all parts at once to make up for it.
(Might make a 3rd book about Daniel's case but this will be my last fanfic in probably a long time. I really wanted to publish my originals that are all falling in line in my drafts)

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