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"Who is this!?"

David jolted up, heavily breathing, "thank goodness it was a dream." He said in relief, yet when he looked to his side, Daniel was not there. David slowly walked outside his tent hoping he'd be just outside, but no was there, "Daniel?!" David called with no response. He looked around until he saw a page of what it seems to be.. a magazine, and the people on it were scribbled on with red markers.. or is it.. blood?

David instantly remembered and panicked, he ran to the car and quickly drove back to camp.

"Gwen!!" David called bursting through her door, she wasn't there. He ran outside and the whole place looked abandoned. "Kids?!" David called in the mess hall. Even the kids weren't anywhere.

Then he ran to the sauna...
Everyone was tied up to separate trees, Even Daniel. David ran to Daniel out of all the people, "Who did this?!" He asked Daniel who's head was staring to the ground, tears were on his eyes.. "David.." , "I remember everything." Daniel said quietly as he looked up to David, "Except-"

"DAVID! I've been waiting for you!!!" A woman said from behind, David turned to see Jen, "You did this!?"

"Of course.. you may not know but the reason Gwen found you was because of me! I wanted you to stay away from my man! BUT INSTEAD YOU DECIDED TO HURT HIM!" She stated madly.

"Y-your man? Jen.. we're just friends-"

"What?!" Daniel asks filling his eyes with more tears. How could his best friend do such a thing?!

"Uh.. Look I just needed your help to execute such bad clothing! Hahah!" She confessed as she slowly walked closer.. "And that's your reason?!"

Jen stopped
"Stay away from us, and don't you hurt him."

Jen smiled abnormally, "YOU STILL LOVE HIM!?"
David was confused.. "What-"

Jen pulls out a scissor for cutting hair and smiled at David.

INSANE 4 U 2 (David x Daniel)Where stories live. Discover now