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I went to see Infinity War a few days ago and oh my god.


No spoilers of course, but it's so good.

Even if you've never seen a Marvel movie you're entire life and/or don't really like super hero movies you should go see it because it's that good.

I've never really been into super hero movies or anything and I've never seen not one marvel movie unless you count like Deadpool. I really really enjoyed Infinity War, though.

Don't read anything about it don't even watch the trailer if you haven't already, just go watch it. You'll have an amazing time, trust me.
Also, I have a little story.

So during the previews when I went to see Infinity War there was this movie that had an actor that my mom really likes in it and she said "I want to lick his face."

I was like "mom, that's a bit weird." But I mean I kinda get it because that's how I feel about Tom Holland- okay bye.


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