How Do You Tell Your Mother You're Worried About Her?

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My mother.

She's lost a little bit of the life behind her eyes.

It scares me.

I've been down that same road more than once or twice.

I always thought that this would be the other way around.

Where I'm the one crying at night, and she's the one worrying.

I've inherited her mother's instinct at a young age, except it's used on her.

I check her wrists, just in case,

Even though I know she would never attempt the act.

Do I? Do I know that?

Because I would have. I did. 

When I tried to tell her about my depression, 

She never seemed to listen, and I could never get the words out.

How do you tell your mother that the man she loves, that her own husband, is the reason you want to leave?

I guess we both share that in common now. 

She puts herself out in the world with her books, not her feet.

Lost in her characters, lost in her dreams.

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