Part 3.

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That night I was working on homework for History when my phone pinged.

I didn't have many friends(any at all really) besides Cat and I'd muted her to avoid her random rants about candy or colorful animals.

I reached for my phone and was startled to see that the message had come from Beck.

BECK: Hey Jade, it's Beck(the new guy) I was wondering if you could be my scene partner and help me out with the new realism scenes we're doing this week?

BECK: If your boyfriend doesn't mind that is ?

Boyfriend? What was he on about. Although I could use a scene partner and from what we saw, he was really talented.

JADE: Sounds Good.

BECK: Great! Come to my place after school tomorrow to work on it?

JADE: Sounds like a plan x

I put my phone back on silent and continued working on my history work.
"Maybe this could be an excuse to get close to him?"
I thought, dismally attempting to stay focused.

That night I slept soundly for the first time in months.


"Hey, ready to go?" Beck's voice called out from the corridor outside my last class.

Had he found out what class I had and waited for me?

"I suppose" I said flatly and collected my things.

We walked through the school in silence all the way to the car park.

Once we got in his truck he immediately hooked up his phone to the radio and started playing music. It took me a second before I realized it was Red Hot Chili Peppers.

"I love song" I said quietly. Still in shock.

"Really?" Beck said, a light in his eyes seemed to have appeared almost instantly.

"Though this is their only good song. They peaked at Californication" I looked out the window and admired the view as we drove through the bougey parts of LA that I hated so deeply.

"Do you want to play something?" Beck asked after a while. "You can put on whatever you want."

I decided to test him. I set up a playlist of songs from bands I loved spanning from obscure to revolutionary and alternative to full on metal. The first song that came on was "Lithium" by Nirvana.

"I'm so happy cause today I found my friends, they're in my head. I'm so ugly, that's okay cause so are you..." Beck started singing along almost instantly. This boy was full of surprises.

All of a sudden a more pop-punk song came on.

"This is the story of my old man,
just like his father before him,
I'm telling you do anything you can,
so you don't end up just like them.
like theeeeem"

I thought I was hallucinating. This random boy Knew all these songs. Even Good Charlotte! I was utterly shell shocked.

The next song that came on happened to be one of my favorites and slightly slower.

"Can you feel,
Can you feel my Heart"
I sang without realizing. I noticed Beck turn to look at me with a look I couldn't quite place.

Before the song ended we had pulled over. A beautiful and large two story house lay in front of us with a vintage red trailer parked in the driveway.

"The trailer's Mine. Make yourself at home, I'm just gonna go get some of the food and stuff I bought this morning" he said as he let me in.

For the fifth time since I'd met him I felt a tugging in my chest that implored me to learn everything about him, and even more strangely, to let him learn everything about me...

A/N: okay so I have a lot of ideas now :) I'm also thinking of making a chapter for the playlist but it's probably just gonna be a list of songs that I mention in the story rather than anything sappy 😂 favorite, comment and all that stuff. Thanks x

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