Chapter 5: Concern

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Chloe stopped in the junkyard and pulled out her phone. She then pulled out her messages and tapped on a contact she hoped she'd never have to tap again. Once she tapped it, Nathan Prescott's name popped up. She sighed and began typing him a text.

Chloe: hey ASSHOLE we need to talk

Chloe waited for the rich kid to respond. It took a few long moments before her phone vibrated in her hand. She opened it and saw the text from Nathan.

Nathan: why tha hell? wat do u want bitch?

Chloe: just meet me tonight

Chloe: got it?

Nathan: u better not waste my time with this shit

Chloe: i have better things to do

After telling Nathan the location, Chloe didn't bother responding to any other texts from him after that. Chloe sighed and slouched in her seat.

What am I getting myself into?

Chloe knew this was a bad idea. She hated Nathan and the Prescott family. They were a cancer to Arcadia Bay's reputation. But he's rich. He surely has enough money to give Chloe as they at least have a history together. One that Chloe regretted.

Before Max's return, she and Nathan had something. A one night kind of thing. But after that, it didn't go anywhere and now Nathan means nothing to Chloe. She just needed the money and he was her first thought. Chloe took out a cigarette and lit it. As she smoked, she looked out into the grey sky as it started lightly snowing. Thinking about Max.

I wonder what Max's doing right now...

It was now around three o'clock in the afternoon and Max was bidding her friends goodbye and she closed the door to her house. Her mother poked her head around the corner and smiled. "Had fun?" She questioned. Max nodded and smiled. "I had a lot of fun." She said. "They missed you." Vanessa said. "Yeah, I missed them too." Max responded.

She sat on the couch and relaxed. Walking around Seattle was a little bit of a task since it wasn't nearly as small as Arcadia Bay. But walking around with Chloe definitely strengthened her legs. She stretched her arms and legs out and sighed. Then Chloe came into her mind.

I wonder what Chloe's up to right now...

Max pulled out her phone texted Chloe. Just to see how she was doing since their morning call.

Chloe had fallen asleep in her truck with her feet kicked up onto the dashboard where she had left her phone. Which suddenly vibrated loudly, startling Chloe awake. She grabbed it and saw a text from Max.

Max: Hey.

Chloe smiled and typed a text back.

Chloe: dude you scared the shit out of me

Max: Sorry :)

Chloe: NO EMOJI!!!!

It was such a relief to text Max for a little while after the stressful day Chloe's had. But the thought of Frank's money and meeting Nathan later still crossed Chloe's mind. But she didn't want Max to worry and didn't tell her.

Chloe: fuq this I'm calling you

Chloe went to her contacts and called Max. But she didn't pick up. Little did Chloe know, Max was having fun teasing her. After the answerless call, Chloe texted Max.

Chloe: pick up hippie

Max: So sorry! I was using the washroom.

Chloe laughed at Max's bullshit excuse. But she knew Max was only playing. She called Max again and this time she picked up.

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