Chapter 8: Burial

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Max stared at herself in the mirror. Currently trying on a black dress for Chloe's funeral that was happening in a few hours. It has been four days since their return to Arcadia Bay. And people from Blackwell have returned as well to attend Chloe's funeral. Consisting of Kate, Warren, Victoria, Dana, Justin, Trevor and Daniel.

But none of them felt the heartbreak Max was dealing with for the past few days. Max found it extremely difficult to fall asleep. Even when she did, she wouldn't stay asleep and would always wake up. She would sometimes even cry herself back to sleep.

Last night, Max had a dream about her lover. She was able to touch Chloe's face. For the final time. Max only wished that her dream lasted a little longer.

Max emerged from the washroom with her dress folded in her arms. She softly put it on the bed and sat down. Max sighed as she thought about Chloe. And how much fun they had together over the years of their lives. When they pretended to be pirates. Had sleepovers every weekend. Making messes that their parents made them clean up.

Like the time they spilt wine all over the carpet at Chloe's house. And Joyce wasn't too pleased with either of them and made them clean it up until the carpet was spotless. But it didn't come out and was still there to this day. A permanent reminder to what happened that day.

Max slipped on her grey hoodie and wrapped her bag around her shoulder and stepped out of the room. She called her mom and told her that she was going out for a walk. Vanessa approved and they hung up. Max stuffed her phone into her pocket and walked around Arcadia Bay for a while. Just thinking about Chloe again.

There were still good memories with Chloe and those would never be replaced. They would always be there for Max to remember and cherish.

On her walk, Max's phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and saw a text from Kate. Max read over it with a frown.

Kate: Hey Max. I'm so sorry about Chloe

Max: Thank you Kate.

Max responded.

Kate: Do you need someone to talk to?

Max: That's thoughtful of you Kate. I'd like that.

Kate told Max she was at Blackwell. Max texted Kate she was on her way and put her phone away. It wasn't a very long walk to Blackwell as Max already saw the familiar building.

Max saw Kate sitting at the fountain in the middle of the campus. Kate took notice of Max and softly smiled at her. Kate stood up and walked toward the brunette.

"Hey, Max." Kate greeted as she wrapped Max into a hug. "I'm so sorry." Kate said to her. "Thanks, Kate. It means a lot." Max told her. "Here. Sit down." Kate said as she sat down and patted the spot beside her. Max sat down on the fountain beside her friend and sighed.

"Kate... do you have any idea how much Chloe meant to me?" Max said. "I loved her. So... so much." Max told her. Her voice cracking in the process. "After our reunion, I thought we could start over. And we did, but then it escalated into something much more than that." Max said. Kate listened with sympathetic nods as Max went on about her relationship with Chloe.

Max told Kate about when she accidentally laid her hand on top of Chloe's at Two Whales for the first time a few days after they kissed in Chloe's room.


As Max and Chloe's laughter died down, Max laid her hand on the table. She felt something underneath her hand and noticed she laid her hand on Chloe's.

"Oh, sorry..." Max said and pulled her hand away. Chloe smiled and applied her hand softly onto Max's. Max looked at Chloe and blushed. She smiled shyly and looked away. But Chloe brought her other hand to Max's chin and made her look back at her. The two kept their eye contact until Joyce approached them with their meals.

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