CHAPTER 4: She Can Cook....

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Who the hell does this bitch think she is?!

"Who the hell is this, sis?!" I asked.

"She's my roommate and really good friend." Lexi tells me.

"And what the hell are you doing here?!" I asked Karl.

"Uh...." He says.

"Him and I are together." Lexi says with her arms folded.

"Oh my god, what the fuck is going on?!" I asked.

"Why don't you put the damn gun down and we'll head towards the kitchen and talk about it." Lexi says.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, here." I hand back the gun to the girl.

She takes it and sets it down on her dresser before we all head into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table.

"So, to catch you up on things. I'm with Karl. We have been seeing each other for the past year and you're gonna just deal with it. Then as for her, her name is Maci. She moved in here a couple weeks ago and also is a great stylist at my salon and has become my best friend." Lexi finishes.

"Oh my god, I need a drink." I reply after looking back and forth between my sister, Karl and Maci a couple of times.

"Yeah well, it's too damn early for any of this. We'll talk more later if you want but, really, that's all you need to know." Lexi says.

Her and Karl both then get up from the table and while heading off to bed, Lexi turns her head back to look at me.

"Oh and Henry? Welcome back." She smiles and then they both head into her bedroom or their bedroom whatever the hell they want to call it and leave just me and this Maci chick alone here.

I missed a lot it sounds like and since when did my sister and Karl like each other.

I hadn't realized I had been asking myself these questions to myself until I saw Maci looking at me.

"What?!" I asked frustrated about everything.

"I'm sorry. I was only thinking that maybe we should just try and get along the best we can, since we'll be living together." She says.

"Fuck that. Technically this is my place and frankly I don't give a shit who you are. Just stay out of my way and business and just pay your rent on time and everything will be fine." I tell her as I get up and storm off into my bedroom and slam the door shut.

Man, this is all fucking bullshit. Although come to think of it, Maci looks familiar but yet I can't think of why I think she is.

Anyways, don't know and don't care. She just needs to stay out of my way.


The next day, I slept all day and didn't wake up until 8 PM and got ready real quick to begin teaching my first cooking class.

I was excited. I did like teaching and also was making good money in doing these classes.

The class I was teaching was for amateurs. They're almost like beginners, though are adults, except supposedly these people have cooked before and are just wanting to learn more. So that'll make things a little easier and better.

When I arrived at the classroom, I got everything set up and made sure that all the stations for the students would already be set up as well.

Then as all ten people came in and all sat at the stations, which was set up with two people per station, I noticed a familiar face......Maci? Shit.

She looks at me and looks surprised.

"Alright everyone, welcome to my cooking class. Throughout the course of this class you'll all learn about how to cook healthy and not so healthy dishes as well as desserts." I began. "Also, the person you are standing next to right now, they're gonna be your partners."

So after I introduced myself, I began starting everyone off with a one eye.

You are probably wondering why I chose something as simple as that. Well for one thing, it's one of my favorite breakfasts of all time and second cause it is simple and a lot of people can mess it up, believe it or not.

Everyone gets things ready and start cooking.

I look around and watch everyone but mostly focus on her more.

Everyone's done and I start walking up to everyone's station and some are good and some are not as good.

Then I get to Maci's station. I try the guy next to hers plate and it's pretty good and then I get to hers and the first bite I taste is beyond delicious. She peppered it the right way, buttered the bread the right way and made the eggs not too runny.

I thought though, it would be better to mess with her. So I spit it out into a napkin.

"That was the worst thing I have ever tasted. It tasted like shit." I said.

"Oh my god, you've tasted shit before? Wow, your taste buds must be out of this world." The guy next to her tells me and immediately I glare at him while she just tries to hold in laughter.

"Watch it." I warn him.

"Yes Chef." The guy fake salutes me which just causes me to roll my eyes and turn to walk back towards the front again.

"Alright." I began. "Let me lay down some ground rules here. If you are sensitive and can't take constructive criticism, then you should leave now. I tell it how it is and will never sugar coat anything. Tonight, I'm gonna have you guys next make rigatoni. However, I want you to add things to it that makes it different from the simple version." I tell them.

I walk around as they begin and I notice that some seem to look as though they're Pros and like they've done it before. While others look like they haven't been in the kitchen for a while.

Then there was Maci and damn, I've gotta say that hers looked good as she was putting chopped bell peppers in along with some chopped up sausage and then some shredded cheese. It looked delicious.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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