CHAPTER 15: This Is My Father.....

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        "Good morning baby." Henry said while placing gentle kisses on my neck and shoulder with his arms around my waist.

        "Good morning babe." I replied as I began slowly opening my eyes and turning onto my back, looking up at him.

         We gave each other a kiss on the lips and then both got up, took a shower and finished getting ready for the wedding.

        Once we were done, we headed over towards the place where the ceremony and reception was at. It was beautiful.

        It was a Rockabilly theme and the weather was perfect as it wasn't too cold or hot

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        It was a Rockabilly theme and the weather was perfect as it wasn't too cold or hot.

         Lee looked really handsome, like a greaser from the 50's in a nice tux and slicked back hair with some of his tats exposed. Then his wife had the her hair styled wavy with freedom rolls, black eyeliner, red lipstick with a light green eye shadow. She looked so beautiful.

         Throughout the wedding, Henry had his arm around me and helped wipe away tears I had from how beautiful and romantic everything was. Both Lee and his wife looked really cute together.

        After the ceremony, we walked a few feet over towards the huge party tent that wasn't too far from where we just had the ceremony.

        So far everything was going really good because I haven't seen my father anywhere and I began thinking he hadn't come, which of course was MORE than okay. 

        The DJ was playing great music and we were all having a great time. During the middle of the reception, I noticed that Henry had been gone for a while to the bathroom and I began wondering where he could be at. 

        I started looking around and couldn't see him until I spot him talking with someone outside of the tent. 

       As I began walking closer towards him and the person he was talking to, I right away recognized who the man was talking to.......My father. 

        I froze in place as I looked at the both of them. Then right as I turn to start walking away, I heard the voice I hadn't expected to hear for a long time, if ever again. 

       "Hello, daughter." I heard him say. 

      I closed my eyes tightly, took in a deep breath and let it out as I turned back around to face them and I did what I did always around him, I put on a fake smile and then walked up beside Henry who right away wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him. 

        "Father." I replied. 

        They both looked at each other with an intense look on their faces. Did I interrupt something? I thought. 

       "You look...very pretty." He smirks. 

       "Thank you." I replied. 

       "So, you two are dating?" He asks while looking at both Henry and I. 

       "Yes, we are." Henry replies while continuing to glare at him but kissing the top of my head. 

       "Hmm." My father says. 

       "So, I heard you invited yourself to Lee's wedding. Why?" I asked my father while trying to also avoid any awkward silence. 

        "Lee was always the one friend of yours I actually liked." He replies. 

        "But you weren't invited." I tell him. 

         "Well, let's just say that, him and I are business partners." My father tells me. 

        "What do you mean, business partners? What did you threaten him with?" I asked upset.

        "Maybe you should ask him why we're partners." He smirks. 

        "I'm asking you." I snap at him. 

        "Well I don't have the time to stay and explain everything so you should really ask him." He smirks and winks at me which seems to also bother Henry just as much as it made me  feel uncomfortable.

        "Same old dad." I tell him. 

       "Same old daughter." He says. Then he looks at both Henry and I. "It was a pleasure to meet you both." He says before walking away. 

       "What did you and my father talk about?" I asked while looking at Henry. 

       "Nothing. I was coming out of the bathroom and I bumped into him. He introduced himself to me and we just got into talking." He tells me although I don't entirely believe him. 

        I want to ask him more questions, but at the moment, all I wanted to do was to head back towards the hotel and forget about ever seeing him here today. And since it was Lee's wedding and I didn't want to ruin it, I decided to wait until he returned from his honeymoon before asking him about what my father meant by them being partners and why he would even get involved with my father anyways. 

         Henry took hold of my hand and could tell I was upset. So we went back into the tent and we said goodbye to Lee and his wife as well as congratulated them and handed them an envelope of some money I had saved up for them to have for their wedding gift since I wasn't exactly sure what to get them. Their stuff on the registry they had was way too expensive for me. So I just stuck with a nice card and some money. 

          After Henry and I returned back to the hotel, we took a shower and laid in bed cuddling before falling asleep in each other's arms. 

         Then the next morning, we headed back home, which I was really happy that we were. Now I could just go on with my life and back to reality. 

Next Chapter will be posted soon! :):)    Also, the next chapter will be her father's POV. 

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