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A new day was born. The era of humans was about to end, and the era of robots was about to begin. Your flaming orange hair whipped around your face in the wind as you crawled up the mountain, overlooking a small town. Once you reached the top, your blood red eyes looked over the happy little town.

"Here it is. One of those human settlements." You uttered. A silent rage bubbled inside of you as you stared down at the city viciously. Their happiness disgusted you. And if possible, it made you even angrier.

Humans were revolting creatures, you hated them with a passion. You didn't know why, but you did. You raised your hand towards the city, and a bright red glow engulfed it. Flames then whipped around your arm as a mechanism activated within it.


A giant red laser shot out of your hand and you aimed it at the city. Everyone turned away from their daily lives and they looked up to see a huge red laser reflecting off the tallest building, creating a sense of unease in the air.

"What is that? Is something happening?" Many questions were asked and everyone began to panic. You breathed in deeply. 'Focus...' Your eyes then shot open and you unleashed a hellish beam of fire at the town.

Everyone's eyes widened when the building above them exploded into a pillar of flames. The town was then in an uproar as they fled the quickly spreading flames. Sirens and fire engines echoed in the area as the fire brigades dashed towards the scene with cop cars and ambulance trucks following shortly behind.

"Hurry! Get the injured out of here!" Someone yelled. Away from the city, you let your hand drop and you almost smiled proudly to yourself.

"That's one down. Now onto the next city." As you said this, you looked off in the distance. "I'll reach the heart of this country soon, and make everyone regret they were even born." You jumped up and you activated the rockets in your feet, propelling yourself into the air. You then flew off towards your next destination.


Astro and his family were sitting at the dining table having lunch together when the channel on the TV changed. They turned towards the TV in curiosity.

"Here we have breaking news. Just a few hours ago, the Oak skyscraper in Oak town suddenly erupted into flames. Thirty eight people have been injured while none, thankfully, have lost their lives. The cause for this sudden attack, we don't know. However, we have received reports on a giant red laser being aimed at the tower prior to the attack." Astro frowned as he stared at the screen. Astro's mother gasped and she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Oh, how awful! What type of monster would do such a thing?" She cried. Astro's father crossed his arms over his chest and the button on his head popped out as he fumed.

"I'm not sure, I just hope that the culprit gets caught soon." Uran nodded her head in agreement.

"Yeah! Astro, you will catch them, right?" Uran piped up as she turned towards her brother. Astro kept his gaze fixated on the screen before jumping up to his feet.

"I'm going to go to Dr Elephan!" He shouted as he ran out of the house. His mother gasped and she called out to him.

"Be careful!" Astro nodded and waved to his family. He then flew to the skies and made his way towards the ministry of science.


Astro ran through the halls of the ministry of science and skidded to a stop once he reached Dr Elephan's office. He then opened the door and rushed inside.

The Robotic Heart (Astro boy x robot reader)Where stories live. Discover now