Appear and disappear

281 15 11

Y/N panted as blood trickled down the side of her head. Onyx stood in front of her, panting as well. They then summoned more chains as they fought. Verse frowned at the sight of Y/N and Onyx fighting. Astro knocked Zombie back and fired more lasers at him. He then huffed when Zombie dodged the lasers.

"Ugh, what's up with all of these other versions of me!?" Astro questioned as he dodged a blade. Verse frowned and smacked a blade away from him.

"Sorry, blame Dark. He's the reason for all of this." Verse told. He then jumped when Zombie charged at him and frowned. "Dammit, where are the others?" Astro gaped at Verse.

"There's MORE!?" Verse nodded. Y/N grunted as she dodged Onyx's scythe.

"Guys, less chit chat and more defending the time li- Argh!" Y/N cried out as Onyx kicked her towards a tree. Y/N's back smacked against the tree and she fell onto the ground. Astro gasped.

"Y/N!" He then growled at Onyx. "Why you, you'll pay for this!" Astro shouted as he aimed his laser beam at Onyx. Verse gasped and stood in front of Onyx.

"NO! Don't hurt her!" Astro's eyes widened. He then gasped and cried out when Zombie threw an onslaught of blades at him. Astro's eyes widened when one of the blades pierced his shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Verse's eyes widened. He then ran over to Astro and deflected the oncoming blades. Y/N groaned and shook her head. She then looked up and her eyes widened in horror. Onyx stood above Reno with her scythe raised. Y/N's hand then started to glow as she stood up.

"NO!" Y/N cried. Reno looked up weakly at Onyx. Onyx gripped her scythe and swung down on Reno. Reno closed his eyes, waiting for the impact. When he didn't feel the blow, he looked up and his eyes widened. Pandemonium held Onyx's scythe in his hands and glanced at Reno.

"You okay?" Reno nodded. His eyes then widened when he saw Gears fly up to Zombie and punch him. Zombie cried out and was smashed into a nearby building. Y/N and Astro sighed in relief as Heart took the blade out of Astro's shoulder and looked up at Zombie. Verse grinned.

"About time you guys got here, where's the others?" Verse questioned. Science and Big sis walked towards him.

"Pandora sensed that something was off and she and Assassin went back to our timeline." Big sis explained. She then frowned at the sight of Zombie and Onyx. "It seems that she was right. She always seems to know what's up." Science nodded.

"Yeah, we've gotta take these guys down now." Science then looked around. "Where's Star fire and Robot?" Verse frowned.

"Onyx sent them to a different timeline. I don't know which one though." Heart looked up and frowned.

"Maybe she sent them back to the other timeline." Verse shrugged. He then gasped when a blade zipped passed him. He then saw that Pandemonium was struggling with Onyx. Scarlet ran towards Onyx and swung her blade at her. Onyx barely dodged in time and the blade cut her cheek. She then growled and started fighting off both Pandemonium and Scarlet. Verse held his pendant. He had no choice, he had to fight Onyx.


You huffed in frustration as Sapphire dodged the pillar yet again. You then aimed another attack at her and fired. Sapphire laughed.

"It's no use, you can't beat me. I'm MUCH stronger than you are." Sapphire told. You gritted your teeth.

"I'm the stronger one!" You shouted as you tackled her to the ground. Robot and Classic dodged Dark's beams and frowned.

"We can't get close to him!" Robot cried. Classic glanced at Robot.

"Stay calm, we can do this. We just need to find an opening." Robot nodded. He then saw Dark smirk.

"I can hear everything that you're saying and it's useless. I will WIN!" Dark laughed as he fired multiple shots at Robot and Classic. Sapphire kicked you, causing you to skid across the ground. You grunted and shook your head. You then sat up and flew towards Sapphire. Just as you were about to reach her, a bright light appeared. You all stared at the light in shock as Pandora and Assassin walked out. They then gave you all a shocked look. You smiled.

"Pandora!" Pandora smiled at you.

"Sorry we're late." Pandora then turned towards Dark and Sapphire and frowned. "I'm guessing that the new Y/N isn't on our side." You nodded and popped your arm back into place. You then clenched your knuckles.

"Sapphire is another me except she's from a timeline in which Astro doesn't help me and I'm the enemy of all human kind." Pandora's eyes widened as Sapphire smirked. She then rushed towards Pandora. Assassin flew forwards and punched Sapphire. You whistled, surprised at his strength. You then changed your form. "100%!" You cried. You and Assassin then aimed your laser beams at Sapphire just as she was getting up. Her eyes then widened as your attacks hit her dead on. Sapphire screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Dark gasped. Classic and Robot decided to take this opportunity to fire their beams at Dark. Dark grunted in pain and flew over to Sapphire. A dark portal then appeared behind him and both he and Sapphire disappeared. Pandora frowned.

"Gather around me." Everyone nodded and you all gathered around Pandora. You all then touched her and felt her teleport back to the other timeline. As you were all porting, you saw Classic next to you and your eyes widened.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be protecting the timeline?" You questioned. Classic's eyes widened in realisation. He then shrugged.

"Oops." You smacked your forehead. Classic frowned.

"Hey, nothing was happening there anyway. I was so bored that I ended up playing go fish with, well, a fish!" You raised your eyebrow at him. You then realised that he was talking about Y/N Jr. You then turned towards him.

"Did he win?" You questioned. Classic sighed.

"Yeah..." You smiled proudly. 'That's my boy!' You thought. You then landed on the ground and looked up to see Onyx fighting against Pandemonium and Scarlet. You then saw Toby and Gears fighting Zombie while Heart tended to Astro's wounds. You then looked around for Verse and your eyes widened when you saw him glaring at Dark. You then saw Sapphire lying beside him unconscious. Heart looked at you all and smiled.

"Everyone!" Dark glanced at you all and tsked when you surrounded him. Onyx's eyes widened. She then dodged Scarlet's blade again. Verse pointed his sword at Dark.

"Give up, Dark. You're surrounded and you can't win." Dark growled as he looked around at you all. You all had your weapons pointed at him, ready to fire. Dark then sighed and raised his hands.

"Fine, you win." Dark then smirked. Verse's eyes widened. Onyx then turned around and fired a chain at Verse. Verse's eyes widened as the chain zipped past Verse, nicking the white diamond's pendant. Verse reached out to grab it just as Dark caught the pendant in his hand.

"NO!" Verse cried. Onyx then used her chains to knock Pandemonium and Scarlet to the side. She then turned towards Reno and used her chain to pierce him in the chest. Reno's eyes widened as he coughed out blood as blood poured out of his wound. Onyx then ripped the chain out. Y/N and Astro looked at Reno with wide eyes.

"RENO!" The two of them cried as Y/N teleported to Reno and caught him just before he hit the ground. Astro ran over to Reno while holding his injured shoulder. Everyone looked at the three of them in shock. Reno coughed out more blood and looked weakly at both Astro and Y/N. The two of them looked at Reno with tears in their eyes. Verse turned and glared at Dark. Dark smirked and the pendant glowed white. Verse's eyes widened. Suddenly, a giant beam of white light appeared where the pendant once stood, blinding everyone. Everyone frowned and opened their eyes. What they saw shocked them. Everything...was gone! Astro and Y/N looked around with wide eyes. Astro then stood up.

"W-what happened...? Where is everyone? Where is metro city!?" Astro questioned. Verse's eyes were too preoccupied with the new figure that stood in front of them. Verse then narrowed his eyes.

"Tobio." Tobio grinned wickedly and put the pendant around his neck. His once brown hair then turned white as he smirked at everyone.

"I'm back."

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