The Summer Festival

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The flat screen tv sat perched on the shelf as you stared in wonder at it. Dr Elephan held a proud smile on his face while Astro eyed the television confusedly.

"Why is there a tv here?" He asked. Your eyes sparkled in delight and you pointed an unsure finger at it.

"I-Is this really for me?" Dr Elephan happily nodded his head and he presented a few DVDs to you.

"This is your reward for helping us rebuild the city. I'm not too sure what kids like to watch these days, so hopefully these cartoons will peek your interest." He mentioned. You carefully grabbed hold of the DVDs and you looked down at them in curiosity. Astro on the other hand didn't look too impressed. He then put a smile on his face and he held your shoulder.

"Isn't this great, Y/n? Now you have a way to entertain yourself." He said with a waver in his voice. You popped open the DVD cover and you inspected the disc with a grand smile on your face. Astro then walked over to Dr Elephan and he grasped his arm tightly. "Professor, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course." You were too preoccupied by your new form of entertainment as the pair stepped outside, leaving you by yourself. The moment the doors shut behind him, Astro immediately voiced his thoughts to Dr Elephan.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked. Dr Elephan raised an inquiring brow at him.

"What do you mean?" Astro squirmed uncomfortably on the spot and he began to play with his fingers.

"Well, it's just that, she's spent so much time inside. I wanted to try and get her out more, but this is having the opposite affect." He said. Dr Elephan scratched the back of his head.

"Are you sure bringing her outside is the best option? It would honestly be better for everyone if we kept her here, where it's safe." A conflicted look flickered across Astro's face and he cast his gaze to the ground.

"I'm really trying to help her, and I don't think keeping her inside all the time is the right way to do it." Dr Elephan eyed Astro for a moment. He then breathed in before giving him a small smile.

"Okay, I support whatever decision you make." Astro gave him a thankful smile, before turning back to the room in question and opening it. As the pair stepped back into the room, they saw you staring excitedly at the screen while flicking through multiple scenes using the remote. Your ear twitched at the sound of their footsteps and you turned towards Astro in surprise. You then dropped the remote and you raced over to him.

"Astro, look! Those guys fighting on TV are crazy strong, and I really want to fight them!" You exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Astro clamped his mouth shut as his eyes widened slightly. His cheeks then reddened as he inwardly gushed at you.

'She's way too cute!' He thought quite happily to himself as you threw punches at the tv.

"I wanna fight them!" You yelled, fully ready for battle. Astro had to hold you back from destroying your newly acquired tv.

"Y/n, you can't fight them. They're only cartoons." Astro told you as you threw a few punches in the air. His arms tightened around your waist and he lifted you into the air. "I've got a better idea. Let's go play outside!" You stopped mid punch as you stared vacantly at the tv screen. You then looked back at Astro with knotted brows.

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