The return of Tobio

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Tobio smirked as he held his hand out towards you all. Y/N and Astro were trying to stop the bleeding in Reno's chest as you all glared at Tobio. Onyx stared at Tobio in shock. She then glared at Dark.

"What's the meaning of this!?" Onyx cried. Dark smiled.

"Don't you see Y/N? We needed Tobio to control the white pendant so that we can make our timeline great again. Our timeline can finally become one of the Alpha timelines if we do this." Dark explained. Onyx growled at him and summoned her scythe.

"I didn't realise that the plan would involve Tobio!" Dark sighed. He then walked forwards and grabbed Onyx's chin. He then forced her towards him and stared into her eyes. Verse growled.

"Get away from her!" Verse shouted. Dark's eyes then turned dark and he whispered some things to Onyx. Onyx's eyes also turned dark and she nodded. Verse was about to run up to her when Tobio dashed forwards and pierced Verse right in his wound. Verse cried out as the electrical circuits were cut even more. You all gasped and watched as Tobio grabbed Verse by the scarf.

"I won't let you interfere with my plans again. I WILL make our timeline the best." Verse glared at Tobio. You rushed forwards and punched Tobio. Tobio jumped back and held his injured jaw. He then frowned at you and turned towards Onyx. "Take us back to the timeline. We've got all the data that we need." Onyx nodded and she teleported Tobio, Dark, Sappire, Zombie and herself to another timeline. Verse's eyes widened. Y/N and Astro breathed heavily as they tried to keep Reno alive.

"Reno, Reno, RENO!" Y/N and Astro cried. They then gasped.

"Oh no, Reno isn't breathing!" Astro cried. Y/N growled and started to perform CPR on Reno. Astro watched helplessly as Y/N tried to get some breath back into Reno. Reno then breathed in and out. Y/N and Astro sighed in relief. You all glanced at each other and watched helplessly as they tried to keep Reno alive. Reno glanced up at Astro and Y/N and smiled, blood trickling down the side of his mouth.

"I'" Reno whispered. Astro and Y/N shook their heads as tears started to fall from their eyes.

"No, you don't have to apologise! If only I had protected you, then you wouldn't be in this mess!" Astro cried. Reno chuckled.

"If...only...I...had...been...stronger... help...them..." Reno told He then closed his eyes and his body went limp. Y/N and Astro stared at Reno in shock. Tears then ran down their cheeks. Astro began to cry out loud while Y/N gritted her teeth in frustration. Heart was about to reach out to them when her hand started to glitch. She looked down with wide eyes. Everyone looked around and saw that the timeline was beginning to glitch. Pandora gasped.

"This timeline, it's starting to fall apart! We HAVE to get out of here before it collapses!" Y/N gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. She then glared at them with teary eyes.

"Not if I can help it." Y/N then stood up and pushed Astro towards the group. She then smacked her hands together and slammed them down on the ground. Chains then appeared out of the ground and the sky and pierced the ground and sky. A chain then pierced her chest. Everyone gasped and covered their mouths in shock as blood poured out of Y/N's wound and she coughed out blood. Astro then shook his head and ran towards Y/N.

"NO! Why, why would you do this!?" Astro questioned. Y/N smiled at Astro.

"I have to do this. I won't allow this timeline to collapse." Pandora looked around and her eyes widened.

"She's right...the glitches has stopped!" Pandora exclaimed. Y/N then reached forwards and cupped Astro's face.

"You have to go with them. If you go with them, then everything will return to normal. Reno will be brought back as well as this timeline. Now, go. Hurry before it's too late." Astro shook his head and held Y/N's hand as tears ran down his cheeks.


"GO!" Y/N shouted. Astro flinched. He then hugged Y/N and ran towards you all. You all then turned to Verse, who had a look of pure shock on his face. Classic frowned and walked towards him.

"Verse, come on. We have to get moving." Verse snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.

"Y-yes, but I can't summon portals anymore. I don't have the pendant." Everyone's eyes widened. They then turned to Pandora. Pandora glanced at everyone and nodded. She then opened a portal and waited for everyone to step through. You saw that Verse hadn't moved and rolled your eyes. You then shoved him inside the portal and stepped through. Astro glanced back at the portal and watched as it closed. He then sniffled and wiped his eyes. Big sis walked towards Astro and hugged him. Astro then started to cry as he held onto Big sis, his face buried in her chest as he cried. Big sis rubbed his back like a mother would and shook her head at the others. She then mouthed out 'let him grieve' and continued to comfort Astro. You all sighed and looked around. Your eyes widened as you saw stars everywhere. You then looked around to see that you were all on a field and that there were no cities to be seen. You raised your eyebrow at Verse who sighed and sat down.

"Hey, where are we?" Verse glanced up at you.

"We're in the time space. It's a place that resides between timelines." Verse told. You nodded. Everyone then sat down on the ground in silence; all that was heard was Astro's sobs. You sighed and rested your head on your arms as you lied down.

"So, when are we going to go after them?" You questioned. Verse clenched his fists.

"Soon. I know where they've gone." Robot raised his eyebrow at Verse.

"Where did they go?" Verse frowned.

"They've gone back to MY timeline." You all gasped. Heart then leaned forwards.

"And what makes you so sure?" Verse sighed.

"Considering that Tobio has returned, and the fact that they have all of the data that they need, they would've returned back to my timeline to get everything ready. I don't know why they would want to make our timeline into one of the Alpha timelines. But all I know is that they have to be stopped. We can't allow them to get away with this." Astro glanced at Verse and wiped his eyes.

"If we stop them, will my timeline return back to normal?" Astro questioned. Verse frowned.

"I'm not sure if-"

"Of course it will." Big sis told as she smiled down at Astro. Astro looked up at her. Big sis then used her thumbs to wipe away his tears. "Everything will go back to normal once they are stopped." Astro's eyes widened.

"Really?" Big sis nodded. Science sighed and leaned on his arms.

"If we want to fix everything, then we'd better leave soon. We can't afford to waste too much time." Everyone nodded. You then stood up and clenched your fist.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Everyone nodded and stood up. Pandora then summoned a portal and everyone stared at it. Verse clenched his fists.

"Are you all ready?" You all nodded and stepped through the portal. "Here we go."

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