Y/N vs Y/N

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Uran paced around as Dr Elephan repaired Astro. Dr Elephan wiped the sweat off of his forehead and walked over to the control panel. He then pressed a button, powering Astro up. Astro's eyes fluttered open and he sat up. He looked around in confusion.

"What? Where am I? What happened?" Astro questioned. Uran gasped and ran over to Astro. She then tackled him in a hug.

"You're awake! I'm so glad!" Uran exclaimed. Astro's eyes widened.

"Uran! Tell me, what happened to me?" Astro questioned. Uran looked up at her brother.

"You were shot in the head. So, I took you back here to get you repaired." Uran told. Astro frowned. He then looked around the room.

"And Y/N? Where is she?" Astro questioned. Uran trembled and looked down.

"The humans...they know that Y/N is alive. They know that she's out there and are after her." Astro's eyes widened in shock.

"What!? But how!?" Uran looked at Astro.

"It was right after you had been shot. Y/N reverted back to her old form and was about to chase down the attacker when the police surrounded us. She protected me and flew away with both of us. She then told me to take you back here. I wanted her to come with us, but she that it was too dangerous for her to be around me." Uran explained. Astro frowned.

"So, they now know that Y/N is alive? Tell me, where was the last place that you saw her?" Astro questioned.

"She was last seen in an abandoned house that was in the middle of the forest." Uran told. Astro nodded.

"I know what you're talking about. I'm going to go find Y/N, you stay here." Astro told. Uran's eyes widened.

"What!? But I want to find her too!" Uran complained. Astro shook his head.

"No, you'll only get in the way. And besides, I'm sure Y/N Jr will want some company." Astro told as he smiled. Uran sighed and nodded. Dr Elephan walked up to Uran and Astro.

"Astro, I want you to be very careful." Astro nodded and got up. He then ran towards the window and flew out.


You huffed in annoyance. You still couldn't find the ones who attacked Astro. You were searching pretty much all day. You then saw that the sun was beginning to set and you were about to search some more when Astro flew by. Your eyes widened. Astro saw you and smiled.

"Y/N! I'm so glad that I found you!" Astro exclaimed as he stopped in front of you. You huffed and crossed your arms.

"About time you got here! Geez, who would have thought that one measly bullet would have done you in?" You told. Astro chuckled.

"Well, it did surprise me a little bit. I didn't think that I would lose consciousness though." Astro admitted. You smirked at him and turned away from him.

"Well, that just proves that you need to get stronger." You stated. A serious look then crossed your face. "We still need to find that imposter though. Who knows what they'll do next. I bet they were the same person that shot you too." You told. Astro nodded.

"Yeah, hopefully we find them before-" A loud explosion interrupted Astro. You and Astro gasped and turned towards the city. You growled and flew towards it as well as Astro. When you both got there, your eyes widened. In the sky was a robot that resembled you quite well. The robot turned towards you. She shared your looks. Tawashi got out of his police car and his eyes widened.

"There's TWO of them!?" Tawashi questioned. You tsked.

"So, wanna tell me who your creator is?" You questioned as you aimed your hand at the imposter. The imposter remained expressionless as she too raised her hand towards you. You smirked. This was going to be fun. Astro glanced between the two of you, worry emitted on his face. You and the imposter stared at each other as the residents below cried out in panic. Astro looked down, contemplating on whether he should help you fight or reassure the citizens down below. Knowing what he was thinking, you answered for him. "Go and help those humans. I'll handle this." Astro's eyes widened. You then charged at the imposter, firing beams of fire at her. The imposter dodged the beams and fired her own at you. Your eyes widened. She matched you in strength!? Astro too was shocked by this. The imposter took this chance to punch you. You cried out as you burst through multiple buildings. Astro winced.

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