Alfonze and Y/N

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You eyed Astro as he advanced towards you. He then jumped at you. You gasped and dodged his punch. You then kicked him from behind, causing him to fall forwards. Astro got up and aimed his laser beam at you. You growled.

"I'm not afraid to hurt you Astro. So, stop now before you get hurt." You warned, but Astro wouldn't listen to you and fired the laser beam at you. You gasped and countered the laser with your own beam. You then flew out of the air ship with Astro following after you. Astro fired more shots at you. You growled and dodged the beams. Dammit, what where you going to do!? You kept your distance from him and racked your brain for some ideas. You held your hand out towards Astro and charged up a beam as he flew towards you. You then fired it. Astro dodged the beam swiftly and grabbed onto you. You gasped when he threw you to the ground. Your back cracked against the ground as your eyes widened. Astro then flew down and pinned your arms and legs down. You struggled to break free, but it was useless. You couldn't break out of his grip. You growled as your body lit up in fire. You then glared at Astro. "Seventy five percent!" You shouted. Your form then began to change as the flames around your body got more intense. Although the flames were getting more intense, Astro still refused to move. Your eyes widened. You then wriggled your legs free and wrapped them around his waist. You then flipped the two of you over and now it was you who was pinning him down. Astro growled at you. You huffed. "Return back to your senses! Astro, fight back!" You shouted. Astro's eyes wavered a bit. You clenched his wrists tighter. "Come on, I know that you can do it! You just have to try!" Astro shook his head. He then reached up and smacked his head against yours. You groaned and held your head in pain, releasing Astro. Astro pushed forwards and kicked you away from him. You crashed into a tree and your eyes widened. You then fell to the ground and struggled to get back up. You looked up to see Astro advancing towards you. You gritted your teeth as Astro held you up by the neck. You struggled to look down at him. Damn it, you felt so weak! You reached up and grabbed Astro's wrist. "A-Astro, fight back. Damn it, if you don't, then I'll be forced to hurt you. I don't want to do that. Please, we're friends, right?" Astro's eyes widened. His eyes then flickered from red to brown. Alfonze frowned when he saw this. He then pressed the button again.

"Fight her, Astro. She's the enemy. She's the one who hurt everybody." Alfonze told through the speakers. You glared up at the air ship and looked back at Astro.

"Don't listen to him! I'm the one that you trust, remember?" Astro struggled to fight back. His eyes then lit up red. You trembled. You didn't want to hurt him, but it seemed like you had no choice. You sighed. "Okay, you've asked for this. One hundred percent!" Astro's eyes widened as your form changed. This was going to be risky, but you only had one shot. Astro let go of you as you landed on the ground, your body covered in flames. Your eyes glowed as you stared at him. You then felt your body heat up to the point it was unbearable for your human heart. You flew towards Astro at top speed and rested your hand on his head. Astro's eyes widened as you grabbed his arm and threw him down onto the ground. You then held his arms down as he struggled. You then pointed your finger to where the bullet was and tapped on his forehead. The ground around you then cracked as the pressure was centred around the bullet, shattering it. You jumped away from him as Astro stood up. He then gripped his head as a pain passed through. He then shook his head and looked at you as his eyes went back to their normal brown. You sighed in relief and reverted your form back to twenty five percent. Astro's eyes widened as you fell onto your knees.

"Y/N!" Astro cried as he ran forwards and caught you. You looked up at him and smiled.

"Good to have you back. Idiot, you really are a piece of work, you know that right?" Astro chuckled and smiled at you and nodded. You then breathed and held your hand to your chest. "I don't know how much more of this power this human heart can handle. It was a risk, but I'm still alive." You told. Astro nodded.

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