Romeo and Juliet

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You stared at everyone while on stage in a red and gold dress, your eyes wide. Astro smiled at you while on the other side of the stage, his sword drawn and Kenneth stood on the opposite side of him, his sword drawn as well. There was only one thought racing through your head at the time. How the f*** did this happen!?

Three weeks earlier.

You rested your feet on your desk as Kenneth stood in front of everyone. The cultural festival was coming up and the class had decided to do a play. Mindy walked over to you and clasped her hands.

"Y/N, aren't you just excited for the play!?" Mindy questioned. You raised your eyebrow at her.

"Um, not really. What's the play that we're doing called again?" You questioned. Mindy sighed.

"It's called Romeo and Juliet. I can't believe that you've forgotten." You shrugged.

"What's it about?" Mindy's eyes widened at you.

"You don't know the story of Romeo and Juliet!?" Mindy cried. Everyone turned towards the two of you at Mindy's outburst. You looked around and shushed Mindy. Mindy apologised and grabbed a chair and sat next to you. "Well, Romeo and Juliet is a story based on two lovers, Romeo, and Juliet. They loved each other very much, but sadly, it was not to be. They were torn apart by their families, the Montagues, and the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet however where too madly in love with each other and they decided to run away together. Sadly, their fate was to die together." Mindy told. Your eyes widened.

"Hold up, why did they have to die?" You questioned. Mindy smiled sadly at you.

"Well, it's just the way it was written. After their death, their families were brought together." You frowned.

"That sounds like a bad ending. Why do people like it so much?" You questioned. Mindy giggled.

"Well, not everyone has a happy ending. It's the fact that they would die for each other that's romantic." Mindy told as she sighed dreamily. You rolled your eyes. Kenneth raised his hand.

"Okay everyone, we're now going to draw slots for who will play what part. The slip that you get will be the character that you play, no questions asked." Kenneth told. Everyone nodded. You huffed and turned around as everyone ran up to Kenneth. Mindy looked at you.

"Aren't you going to draw a slip?" You shrugged.

"Just give me the part of a rock or something. I'm not too interested in this to be honest." Mindy frowned. She then dragged you over towards Kenneth, who held a box. Some people frowned at what they got while others just shrugged. Astro took his slip and his eyes widened. Theodor and Alvin looked at his slip and their eyes widened.

"Woah! Astro, you got the main part!" Theodor exclaimed. Astro laughed nervously. You groaned when Mindy pushed you in front of Kenneth. She then grabbed a slip and looked at it.

"Oh hey, I got the maid! That's good I guess." Mindy giggled. You reached into the box and took out a slip. You were hoping to get a tree or something. Then again, life never really worked the way you wanted it to. You looked down at your slip and frowned. You then crumpled it up and threw it over your shoulder. You then went to grab another slip when Kenneth held up his hand.

"Hold it, you only get one try." You growled at him.

"I don't like my part." You told. Kenneth put the box down and rested his hands on his hips.

"Well you're going to have to deal with it." You glared at Kenneth. Mindy reached down and picked up the piece of crumpled paper. She then flattened it out and her eyes widened.

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