Chapter 1 Moving Out

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It was a cold fall day in Middlebury Vermont . I am in my last year of college at Middlebury College more like my last week we graduate in a week.I was 20 and working at a bakery down the street."Alex are you ready ? We are about to leave." "yeah just give me a second" that's my best friend Luke he lives in the dorms just across the green from mine we are about to leave and meet some friends for lunch. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door. Luke was waiting for me on the front steps. The café wasn't that far so we decided to walk. "So what are you going to do after graduation it's only a week away" he asked trying to start a conversation " "I don't know I was actually going to ask you something" I paused not knowing how to word my question. " I was going to move to London and was wondering if you maybe wanted to go with me?" My voice got higher at the end of my question not knowing what he would say. He looked at me with a quizzical look on his face " of course I will move with you are you kidding me? I would do anything to leave this state." I was surprised by his answer I honestly thought he was going to say no. " But before I commit to anything why?" "Because I just want to explore get out of this country, try something new,breath some new air and I don't want to go alone." He looked at me with a sly grin on his face "will you go husband searching with me? " Oh I forgot to mention he's gay but not the cliche TV drama queen gay he was still into football and could hang with the guys. I laughed at his question and almost fell over " sure if you go husband searching with me" we laughed so much we had to stop walking. Once we composed ourselves we decided to tell everyone when we got to the cafe I already started looking for a flat months ago. We were just around the corner of the cafe . We walked in and saw everyone sitting towards the back it wasn't a very big place but it was nice.Calum,Ashton,Guinnie,Louis,Eleanor,Zayn and Perrie were all there waiting for us Ashton and Guinnie and Zayn and Perrie and Louis and Eleanor were all couples. We sat down and ordered our food."Hey you guys are like 20 minutes late" Ashton said in a joking manner." You can blame Alex she took a thousand years to get ready" Luke said smiling at me. " Well sorry for not wanting to look like I was mauled by a bear". Everyone laughed and then our food came out . We all started eating then Perrie stood up " Zayn and I have something to tell everyone...." She looked so excited she looked like she might faint."We are getting married!" they said in unison . Everyone was quiet and the started cheering and whooping until we were silenced by I'm guessing

the manager. Everyone congratulated and hugged them ."That's amazing I'm so happy for you two" Calum said. Luke looked at me as if to say should we tell them now I nodded knowingly and stood up with him."Well if we are sharing good news then Alex and I have something to tell you as well" Luke started then looked over at me."We are moving to London together!" I said excitedly waiting for everyones reaction. Everyone looked at us then Calum said" I knew one of you would be the first to leave the state". Everyone nodded I agreement I honestly wasn't surprised I've always wanted to move there. All of the sudden I felt a pair of small arms wrap around me I looked over my shoulder and saw Guinnie "I'm gonna miss you so much don't leave me here you are my shopping buddy."She was on the verge of tears I hugged her reassuringly "you still have Perrie and Eleanor and you need to watch the boys and make sure they don't do anything stupid" I laughed " I'm not leaving just yet I still have until graduation." I said trying to reassure her I'm not leaving just yet she was the youngest in our group she was 19."What am I ? chopped liver." Luke said from across the table everyone laughed and gave him a hug making him smile. Guinnie smiled and said " well if it is your last week with us we better make it a hell of a good one."I smiled and thought to myself I'm really going to miss these people .

(Hey everyone!!!! This is my first book so beware it might suck. I don't know how it will turn out so...Stay if you want go if you want. Also if you are wondering Harry first shows up in like two chapters so don't get bored because the party is about to start.. thanks if you do read it means a lot. PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAASSSSEEEE PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!! I want all my readers to be friends so please comment and talk love and peace hope you like the book... Xxoo

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