Chapter 7 Morning Beautiful

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Harry's POV

I woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world. Her gorgeous chocolate skin adorned in a T-shirt and pajama bottoms. We still haven't talked about 'us' yet and I was itching to know how she really felt about me. I've never been so attached to someone so quickly in my whole life. There were so many things I still needed to tell her and I was scared how she would act. Before I could get to wrapped up in my thoughts she started to stir in her sleep breaking me from my thoughts. I ran my fingers across her hips up her body to her face making her eyes open with a sleepy smile on her face. I wanted to wake up with her next to me everyday for the rest of my life."Morning beautiful"i said into her ear kissing her nose and then pulling away. "Hmmm morning" she said and then looked over at the clock on the side table next to the bed and hurried out of bed up to her feet"shit shit shit we have to go now!" She said frantically getting dressed not caring I was in the

room."Relax your clock is an hour ahead I didn't know how to fix it don't worry we still have an hour

Before we have to go." I said she sighed in relief falling on the bed wearing only skinny jeans and a bra."oh god I just had a mini heart attack" she said getting on a shirt and shoes."Come on we are gonna go get some of the best French toast in the world."she said putting her shoes on."Ugh but it's so cold outside" I wined like a 5 year old she just laughed and threw a pillow at me."come on it's so good I'll turn the heat in the car on" she said trying to pull me out of bed but fail and just landed on top of me. I smiled and flipped us over so I was the one on top this time she was quiet just staring into my eyes."Come on I'm hungry let's go" she was the on wining this time." We can continue this later" she said giving me a wink then pushing me off her body. I got dressed and then we walked out to the rental car and head down the road.


Alex's POV

I took Harry to a place called 3 squares in Vergennes Vermont about a half an hour away from Middlebury.."mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I will get up everyday at 6 if I can have these every morning." I laughed and kept eating" I told you this was the best French toast ever." After our delicious breakfast we headed back to the house to get ready for the funeral.


The funeral was short and to the point. My dad's side of the family was there his mom my grandmother and his dad who I have never met. My other 2 sisters were also there. I introduced everyone to Harry they weren't as welcoming at my mom but the were nice. My sister Ella was drooling over him and I had to nudge her several times because of staring. She is only 4 years younger than me. After the ceremony everyone went back to there homes I was surprised we didn't have dinner together but I didn't question it. Once we got home I thought it would be nice to show Harry around Vermont and around my hometown. First we went to Middlebury and I showed him my moms beauty salon. After that we just went for a little drive around the country and down to lake Champlain. After that I hadn't realized it was so late so we went back to my house and said our goodbyes to my stepmom and Michael and headed for the airport.

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