Chatper 16 Her

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*The next day*

Alex's P.O.V

"Hey Niall"

"Hey what's up ?"

"I was just wondering is Harry still there ? "

"No he left about an hour ago."

"Okay can you check our room and see if I left my wallet there ? I think it's in the bathroom. "

"Yeah one sec...Nope not here."

" K thanks anyways talk to you later"

" K bye tell Makaya I love her"

"Haha okay bye"

Me and Makaya were at the mall shopping around for some new dresses. I'm so glad I made a friend here besides Luke. I love him but I need some real girl time to. He was hanging out with Michael I think,they have been spending a lot if time together lately. We are in H&M right now. "oh my god you look so good I would turn lesbian for you" Makaya said when I walked out if the dressing room wearing a skater dress that was all black with a gold belt and some nude heels. "why thank you I'm flattered haha okay your turn " she had been holding a high low dress with a navy blue bottom with flowers on it and the bust area was white with lace over it that I have been dying to see here in. She came out of the dressing room looking fabulous just like I suspected she would. After like 3 hours of intense clothes shopping we decided to get some food and head home."oh my god don't look it's Harry's old girlfriend she is insane shit she's coming this way act natural... Hey Cassie what's up ? How have you been?" she was a little shorter than me. She was very beautiful but something was off

"Hey Makaya I'm good how are you Niall ?"

"We're good. This is my friend Alex I actually met her through Harry."

"Oh really how do you guys know each other?" Should I tell her the truth? "We met when I moved to London he actually lives in my building and now we are friends."

"Oh really I'm supposed to hang out with him later maybe we will see you. Anyways I have to go but it was great seeing you guys." What? he didn't tell me anything I really don't like where my thoughts are going.ill just ask him later when we get back to the house. On the ride home my thoughts kept eating at me. I keep thinking the worst maybe they are just friends and I'm being ridiculous. I don't know I could tell she did it to annoy me but she doesn't know that I'm with him. When we pulled up I didn't even realize I was practically running to my room. I was running up the stairs and then abruptly stopped in front of my door giving myself a little pep talk before I went inside. " you can do this just stay calm stay calm" I took a few breaths and went inside. I saw him reading on the windowsill with no shirt on and some sweatpants it was an amazing site really. "Hey Harry."

"Hey babe how was your day ?"

"Good I went shopping with Makaya after work and then we got some food and headed home."

"Oh really what did you get ? Anything you want to try on in front of me?" He said walking to me putting his arms around my waste pulling me close to his bare chest. "actually yes but you can't see it yet. But I met someone at the mall today and I just wanted to ask you something's . "okay go ahead" "So we had

Just finished our food and bumped into a girl named Cassie. Makaya said she was your old girlfriend ? "yeah she is" "well then she said

Something and I just wanted to see if she

Was telling the truth...She said that you guys are hanging out later ? is that information true ?"

"Yes BUT it's not what you think. I just wanted to meet up with her and tell her that is over and for her

to stop calling me"

" Are you telling the truth? Meaning I'm not gonna find out anything else at all ?"

"Yes I promise"

"Okay is there anything at all that you want to tell me that you think I should or might want to know?"

"No I can't think of anything at the moment but I will tell you if I think of anything okay ?"

"Okay thank you" I sighed and sat down next to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"Well there is one thing but please don't freak out?"

"Okay you can tell me anything."

"Okay (dramatic sigh) me Niall and Liam used to be in a very dark place and the people we used to hang out with in the past keep coming around and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Can you tell me more about this 'dark place'"?

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