Chapter 14 Oh Snap!

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I woke up to this loud banging on the door so I got up to go see who it was. Before I opened the door I looked through the eye hole and saw a man that was very built and had on a black blazer and black jeans. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR STYLES !" I jumped back at the loud bombing voice. Panic suddenly took over my body the man still at the door I ran to Harry who was still passed out on the couch."BABE WAKE UP RIGHT NOW" I tried not to scream as I woke him he looked at me confused then heard the banging on the door."Some really scary guy is here to see you and he does not sound very happy "

"Who is it ?"

"I don't know but you need to deal with that situation he seems to just be getting angrier."

"okay stay here" I did as told as he went to the door. He looked through the eye hole and stepped back."Alex go pack a change of clothes and get dressed now" he said dead serious I knew he wasn't playing around so I went to my room and packed a changed of clothes for both of us as fast as I could. I slipped on my vans and a shirt and shorts and ran to the other room. I stopped in the hallway as I heard an unfamiliar voice talking."What the fuck is wrong with you; you know damn well what you did my sister was traumatized and will never be the same you sick bastard..." before he could finish the sentence Harry punched him right in the face making him fall to the ground unconscious. "We need to get out now!" Harry yelled grabbing the man and pulling him out of the apartment building and into an alley I'm surprised no one saw us. Harry ran to his car pulling me along and we drove off."what about Luke?!" I asked scared that guy might go after him."I'll text him the address we are going don't worry he will be safe" I sighed in relief and looked at Harry starting to get sad,scared,mad, but most of all confused."What the literal hell just happened?!?"

"okay let me explain everything but don't interrupt until the end okay?" I nodded waiting for him to continue."So it all started about 4 years ago. My mom was very poor and we lived in a really small house and we needed money. That guy back there his name is Joe. Back then I used to date his sister Zoella and we became quite close but one night I came home and saw her and some guy kissing. ON MY COUCH I was so mad all I saw was red. I already had problems of my own and she was the only light in my darkness. I was so infuriated that I wanted to make her suffer like I did. I didn't date anyone else because she obviously didn't care so I just made the rest of her high school years a living hell I bullied her embarrassed her and after high school ended people said she got really depressed because of how bad it was and then she tried to kill herself but survived and it never got better. And then I realized how bad I was to her and I felt so bad . "

"Wow that must have sucked I bet she feels like shit but I'm not mad at you just disappointed"

"Really? Your not mad at me "

" I can''t be mad at you for something that happened 4 years ago. I didn't know you then I'm just disappointed you would do that but I'm not mad at you"

"Wow I'm surprised but I'm happy I got that off my chest I love you "

"I love you so where are we going ?"

"To Niall and Makaya's house"

"Okay" I sighed and he put his hand on my thigh as we drove down the street. I wonder what that joe guy wanted if it was so long ago?

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