Chapter 5 The Date

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It was 7:30pm I had spent most of the day with Luke just relaxing but I was anything but relaxed right now. I was so scared mostly because I hadn't been on a date in 5 years so I was a little rusty. I decided to just do a natural look nothing fancy no lip gloss and a flowing colorful top with tights and black boots."Hey your lover is knocking on the door" Luke said from the kitchen."Well could you get I'll be out in a minute"

"No his not my date"

"Ugh why must you be so difficult?"

All I heard was him laugh I grabbed my bag and phone and coat and opened the door. Harry was adorned in all black black T-shirt,black boots, black skinny jeans that wear tighter than my tights,and a simple P-coat. "Ready to go"he asked holding his arm out for me to take."Yes I am" "hey don't do anything I wouldn't do" Luke said as I left. I turned and laughed before I closed the door behind. "So where are you taking me on this fine evening" I said as we walked out onto the street. "Well if I tell you it won't be a surprise" he told me his accent making me melt with every word that came from his sweet minty lips. We walked for about 20 minutes and then caught a cab. When we stopped Harry told me to close my eyes so I complied."Don't open them until I say no peaking"

"Okay okay" I said I had no idea where we were."okay open"he said taking his warm soft hand away from my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was speechless it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The lights glistened in the night sky. from pictures I've seen I knew that it was the London Eye. "It's beautiful" is all I could manage to say as I stared in amazement."Come here let's take a picture" I said and pulled out my phone from my bag."First a simple smile then goofy then whatever you want" I instructed he stepped close and we ended up taking a selfie. But for the last picture when I said do whatever you want I felt his warm lips on the skin of my cheek and all I did was smile and close my eyes. I turned to look at him and instantly connected our lips in a gentle kiss.


After that we went to dinner at a little dive near the cafe I was soon to be working in. We talked about just life in general I told him a little more about myself and how I was working at that little cafe down the road. I learned that he was actually an editor at a publishing company. We were on our way home about a block away. When we got inside I we stopped at Harry's flat first since he was closer to the door than me. "I had an amazing time"I said much to enthusiastic."Me to I can't wait for next if there is a next time." He said it came out more as a question though." There will definitely be a next time" I said leaning in for a goodbye kiss. Just when our lips were about to touch Luke came bounding down the hall ruining everything."You have a phone call" is all he said "Well tell whoever it is I'll call them back"

"Umm it seemed urgent"

"Fine I'll see you around Harry" I said giving a quick hug and hurrying down the hall after Luke. As soon as we got into the safety of the flat I hit Luke it the back of the head pretty damn hard.

"What the hell was that for?"he said rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

"What the hell do you think ? I was about to seal the deal! Who the hell was calling?!" I said infuriated " your mom she said she wouldn't hang up until you answered"

"Ugh where's the fucking phone?"

"Over on the coach" he said getting ice from the fridge for his head. I didn't hit him that hard ,drama queen.


"Hey sweetie um I need to tell you something um." my mom said through the line she was quiet and sniffling I was starting to get worried.

"What's going on?"I asked getting more and more anxious.

" Well honey your um your dad was in an accident and didn't make it I'm so sorry ."she said sobbing into the phone. I dropped the phone in shock not being able to move.

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