Chapter 2 Packing up and saying goodbye

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After a week of hanging out with all my friends and just having a good time it was finally the day of graduation. Everyone was trying to get everything done in time. Moms and dads gathered to see there little babies grow up with tears in their eyes. All the professors trying to get everyone to listen and get in there places. I could have done with a simple here's your diploma you graduated and a pat on the back,but no everyone has to have an extravagant ceremony to end there college years. Everyone was being seated in alphabetical order outside on the green it wasn't freezing but there was a little breeze which is nice because the air conditioning broke last night leaving me sweating my face off all night. I would have rather had a bloke of wood to sit on than these chairs they were so uncomfortable. " Michael Anteno" said the speaker this would go so much faster if everyone didn't clap for a year after every person. I was finally called after what seemed like ages. After tripping and falling over everyone in my row I got to the aisle and started walking. I came to the stairs leading to the stage and felt as if my life was just beginning as if I had a new start,a clean slate."GO ALEX!" I heard my insanely embarrassing mom yell from the crowd . I didn't even know she was here until her embarrassing outburst of emotion. I smiled and walked off the stage back to my seat hoping no one knew that was my mom. After what seemed like an eternity it was all over thank god."We did it" I heard someone say from behind me I turned to see Louis looking at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"Yes we did ugh I feel so old"

"So do I"

We both laughed in sync hugging as we said our goodbyes. I found everyone else Calum,Ashton,Zayn etc. I hugged everyone saying my goodbyes promising to write and call. I found Luke saving the biggest hug for him even though we were a day away from living together." Oh my god my baby girl is all grown up" I heard my mom say from behind me she took me in her arms and cried into my shoulder."Mom mom calm down will you ? I'm only graduation college it's no biggy." I said jokingly "Luke you get over here too" she said she loves him as her own Luke just smiled and complied . My whole family was there mom,grandparents,aunt,uncle,siblings,and so was Luke's as well. After all the hugging,presents, and more hugging we all decided to have a celebration dinner all together before we left the next day. Our families were always close everyone was there even all the kids my brothers and sisters on my moms side and my dad's side. I have no full siblings all half or step. The little one Ava she was 7 years old she was the cutest little girl ever, and my stepbrother Gavin he is 16 and my stepsister Kassidy she was 15. And my half sister DiLayni who was 17 and my step brother DiMitri 26. All the kids decide they didn't want to go thankfully all Gavin does is tease me and Luke even though he knows Luke is attracted to boys. Although if he wasn't I would have no problem with being with him he is very handsome. After all the kids left we headed out for dinner at Fire and Ice just down the street from the college.


Dinner was long but I enjoyed it seeing as I wouldn't be seeing my family for a bit. Both mine and Luke's moms dragged it out trying to change our minds about leaving for London. After dinner we drove back to the dorms to pack. I was a little to excited and already packed all my stuff up however Luke did absolutely nothing. Since I was done I just decided to help him pack."Can you believe we are leaving for London tomorrow" Luke said in complete astonishment whilst he stacked boxes in the only free space in the room. His roommate had already left hours ago."No I can't" I paused " you know we should commit once we are done unpacking just a week to find out were everything is or at least get familiar with our area". Luke nodded in agreement "oh my god what are we gonna do for work" he looked panicked. Don't worry about it there's a place about a bloke down the street from our new flat it's a small cafe.i talked the owner into giving us a job." He sighed in relief " how did you manage to do that?"Luke asked confusion laced in his voice."On Christmas break I went over there with my mom to look at different places and obviously found one and we were walking back to our hotel and I saw this little cafe on the way that said now hiring and went in and talked to the owner. He was super nice and I told him that I was moving over there with you. He said we could have the job and he would hold

it for us until we get down there. I told him the dates and there you go."

"Ooooohh nice work girly"

"I know right" he just looked at me dead panning then we both laughed."So what is the flat like?" Luke asked curiosity clear on his voice."It's a two bedroom two bathroom and it has a very spacious living room and a washer and dryer and dish washer. All the appliances were thrown in its about 200£ a month and I still have to figure out the money and how to tell what is what but I'll get it actually here is a picture."


"I know isn't it great and I love the wooden island in the kitchen and the fancy stove and the giant windows in the living room. They said we can paint the walls as long as when or if we leave we paint them white again."

"I don't think I will be leaving"Luke said drooling over the pictures I was showing him."And on top of all of that my grandfather gave me a 2,000£ check for the furniture!"

"Holy shit that's a lot of money I can't wait to see him again so I can hug his guts out. But seriously that's weird because my mom gave me 1,000£ to Pier 1!" We stood up and did a little happy dance in the middle of the room.


It was 1am and we had just finished packing up all Luke's stuff. I didn't feel like walking all the way to my dorm so I just slept over in Luke's dorm room."Our plane leaves at 10:00am so let's leave at 8 since it takes an hour to get to Burlington." I said Luke humming in response and we both drifted to sleep.

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