8|Lesson Learned

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I was nearly to my knees as Nyx kept pushing down on me. As usual, she had that confident grin on her face. And I'm going to take that smug look off her.

"Really think you got me down, princess?" I mocked, smirking.

Given the time I knew her, there was one thing that gets through her and makes her furious: insults. Especially if those came from me. I can tell one was enough as she pushed me down, sending me kneeling. She looked at me with a mixture of irritation and anger.

When my GunBlades are in sword mode, I can still fire a small pulse charge out. My fingers held on both triggers of my weapons. Two small red glowing orbs began to shape at the muzzle of my GunBlades.

I gave her mock smile before letting go of the triggers. A small explosion occurred upon collison of the pulse charges. It sent us a good distance apart. It gave me both the smokescreen and distance I needes to buy myself time.

Damn, Nyx's railgun must've weighed a lot. It gave me a hard time standing up, my legs feeling a bit numb for holding out too long.

The smokescreen lasted for a two minutes, maybe three, before it started to slowly fade. I heard Nyx grunt like she threw something. Actually, she did.

It was thrown like Pyrrah's javelin, but had a diagonal curve as it was from the upper left. Her weapon had a different look to it, having a spinning long cone shaped thing attached. It took me a while before realizing that it was lance. A huge one and it was heading for me.

Not moving an inch after standing up, my grip on my left sword tightened. I placed it over and to the right, like returning it to a sheath. Her lance was nearing me now. I could feel the gust of wind it carried as it was withing range.

With a swift motion, I raised my left sword to strike Nyx's lance with a diagonal downward slash from the left. The impact had her weapon change trajectory, piercing the floor with it slightly bent to the right. Ot was about two feet awayy from where I was standing.

I don't know if she was reckless or what to throw her weapon. As I looked back at her, the smoke was cleared. She was just standing there, her goggles placed. Now it explains how she saw through the smoke and managed to throw her weapon at me.

She's unarmed, making things easier for me. I dashed towards her and stopped right in front, sweeping off her feet. I spun once to back kick her at the head.

I saw smirk right before my kick connected, confusing me before I realized that my kick didn't land where I intended it to be. A metallic clank was heard and when I saw her using lance, which appeared out of nowhere, to block. The strike helped her regain balance.

Nyx saw my puzzled face and took the opportunity. She shove my leg back hard, enough for me to spin and get dizzy. I was temporarily distorted when I saw her about to clobber me with her lance as a baseball bat from the left. Fortunately, I swiftly flipped my left sword to a off hand position with my arm raised diagonally to the opposite direction.

Our weapons clashed, giving me a small push back due to the weight of her large lance. If this continues, I'm good as losing the match but I already have a counter measure in mind.

I transformed my right sword into its gun mode and shot a bullet in front of Nyx's legs. It surprised her, causing to stagger a step back and slightly lose grip of her weapon.

Quickly swinging my left sword at her lance, the clash disarmed Nyx, her weapon flying away from its owner. I kicked her straight at the gut, sending her sliding down the floor.

As I walked towards her, I saw Nyx held out her hand to the direction where her lance at. Then, her hand started to glow grey, the same goes for her weapon before it started to slowly slide towards her. Was this Nyx's Semblance?

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