14|Late Breakfast

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We all spent the midnight oil trying to prepare for the modifications I planned. Viola went to bed first, followed by Rymson. I didn't really expect Alec to be the last one standing besides me. I could tell that Alec preferred to work quietly, just giving him instructions and he'll do the rest.

"Hey, Alec." I called, looking at my watch before returning my attention to my work. "You might want to hit the hay. It's already past midnight. Don't want to be late for tomorrow's class, do we?"

Alec didn't answer. I turned my head to see where he worked. He was sitting on a wooden stool. Even with that, he still slouched a bit. I saw his elbows placed on his knees as he did. It looked like he didn't move an inch.

I was currently on my chair near the table of my bed. I stood up, walked towards Alec's place. When I got around him, I saw him sleeping. I couldn't help but chuckle. I gently tapped Alec's shoulder while calling his name. A minute or two passed, then he woke. Well, more like slightly jolting awake.

"Oh, hi Nyx." He greeted, rubbing his eyes for a moment. Alec looked at me for a moment then towards his work. His face paled, ears dropped. "Sorry, Nyx!"

"What are-" Then, it hit me. Alec was apologizing because he thought I caught him dozing off. Guess I still have that 'bossy' expression on others. "Alec, listen to me."

He stopped, "I'm sorry if I slept."

"I wasn't going to scold you or anything. You should go to sleep now." I remarked, remebering that the time Rymson and I got here, Viola was jumping up and down on her bed like a kid. Alec was on his bed, exhausted of what happened to Viola.

Alec suddenly laughed lowly. I asked him what was funny. He answered, "Back when I was kid, I had that habit of apolozing too much. But due to my family training, it dissappeared. Guess old habit die hard then."

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I nodded in agreement before we fixed up what we finished and placed on my uncommonly wide bedtable. Then, we slept.

I opened my eyes before sitting up on my bed. I took a glance at my alarm clock, only a few hours before noon. The rest of the team were still asleep. Viola snored a bit loudly as usual. A thought passed through my mind, making me grin.

I stood up from my bed, happily walking to the center of the room before before pulling out one of my pistols. I already loaded my used bullets before raising it up, shooting at the ceiling like crazy.

"Wake up, team RAVN!" I shouted from the top of my lungs but seconds passed and no one woke up. Time for plan B, then. "Rise and shine, team! We have Grimm breaching Beacon as we speak."

All of their eyes opened wide as they got off their beds, panicking. Nyx started to give out weapons to Alec and Viola. Our personal weapons were in the lockers but the rules didn't say she could make them. That's unless you know how to sneak in stuff.

"Rymson!" Nyx yelled. "What in Oum's name are you standing around there for? We have Grimm all over school." Then, she tossed me what looked like incomplete replicas of my weapons, Enigma Flare and Eclipse Fire.

I could barely hold my laughter. Team RAVN about to kill Grimm in pajamas and bed hair. Nyx, Alec and Viola stood by the door, weapons ready, looking like cops about to breach the place. I placed the pistols Nyx gave me on her table before casually walking towards the door.

"For the record, I didn't know you guys would fall for that." I gave out a chuckle, opening the door. "Come on, let's get some breakfast, team." I invited to their blank faces before closing the door.

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