3|Meeting New People

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I got off the airship a little bit late due to people almost running themselves over just to get off and see the Academy.

As I walked off the ramp, I tried looking for either Ruby or Yang but to no luck, couldn't find them.

The blonde guy earlier was hurrying to the nearest trash bin. He nearly bumped into evry person, including me. Kind of felt bad for him, though.

I walked past him slumping over the trash bin and tapped him on the back, "You okay, bud?"

He puked more for a while then came back up, dizzy and almost passing out. "Don't pass out just yet, Vomit Boy." I teased, helping him not to fall over.

"Hey! Motion sickness is a more common problem in people." He retorted. "But thanks."

"Whatever you say, Vomit Boy." I laughed, mockingly raised my hands in defeat. After finishing his last, he came back, a bit nauseous but fine.

He was a blonde guy with eyes that had a lilac tint. His clothing were armor pieces under a black hoodie, denim jeans and a pair of black sneakers. On the side of his hip attached was sheathed sword, its scabbard sporting white with a mix of yellow.

"The name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it" He introduced himself with confidence as he went for a handshake.

"Sure they do, lady killer." I shook his hand, "I'm Rymson Arden."

The ground slightly shook after that. A small mushroom cloud caused by a tiny explosion caught my eye. I could hear someone shouting from at a distance. Whoever causer pretty much made someone angry at them.

Jaune noticed, looking at now fading cloud. "Huh, wonder what's about..." He looked baxk at me, "Wanna check that out?"

"Nah. I'll pass." I answered. "You go ahead."

He walked towards the source of the explosion. He waved goodbye, I waved back as I began walking my way to the auditorium where I hope she would be there by now.

It was long way for a start but taking long walks helped rethink sometimes, relax even. I had my hands in my jacket's pockets as I went for the place. Sometimes, I had my eyes closed, helping me relax even more.

My peaceful walk lasted awhile before I hear a girl shriek and a thud afterwards. My eyes shot open and saw a girl wearing an onyx sunday dress, her shoulder-length hair tied to a ponytail sitting on the floor.

She had a box spilled of what looks like blueprints, weapon blueprints. The box had the emblem of Atlas.

"Great, an Atlesian..." I muttered to myself.

I'm not really a fan of Atlas or its people. Well, most of them actually. I see most of them as self-centered people with lies about them helping the world... blah, blah, blah. For example, the Schnee Dust Company. They have been known for abusing their Faunus workers and I've seen it myself how maltreated and unappreciated they were. They're one of the crucial reasons why groups like the White Fang was formed. Sometimes, it came to my mind why anyone believes them at all.

The girl shot me a glare, her ears shot steam in annoyance. "Aren't you even going to help me?!"

"I would have if you were a little kinder with your words..." I snapped back at her.

"Why- how dare you?!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I shrugged and waved her off, walking on without batting her an eye.

To be honest, I could still hear her rants and complaints about rudeness, men without manners and whatnot. It felt good that I could tick off someone off.

I found myself standing at the doorway of the auditorium. It was elegant in the design's simplicity. Hey, just because I was raised in a bandit camp for a decade of my life doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the simple things in life.

The auditorium was obviously packed with the new students. Some caught my eye, making me wonder who they are. Like a blue hooded person who was leaning by one of the columns, their hands crossed and head lowered as if he was resting.

Another was violet haired girl, dressed like a formal muscian you'd see at those fancy parties but she had an electric guitar strapped to her back which I considered somewhat odd.

Lastly, there was that girl from Atlas I bumped into awhile ago. Don't know how she got here that quickly but couldn't care any less. She was talking to white-haired girl, her hair tied in a ponytail as well but sideways. She had an emblem on her white jacket, a snowflake. She was a Schnee.

I lowly growled when I saw that. I wasn't delightful of the idea an Atlesian in Vale, let alone two in Beacon. Shouldn't they be at Atlas, with all their politics and technology?

Moving my eyes to avoid anymore troubled thought, a few I recognized, like Jaune talking to Ruby. Yang was standing there, waiting like everyone else. She looks exactly like her mother except that Yang's blonde and has lilac eyes.

Her attire was somewhat appealing, that I wouldn't lie about. Before I saw her, I expected that she was more like Raven, her eyes serious red, black hair and a look that would tell you she's the boss. A born leader.

Now, Yang is more of a carefree version of her mom... The path she didn't take.

My gaze eventually broke when I saw someone waving at me like crazy. I looked at them and saw Ruby jumping up and down like a hyped kid. I waved back in response, a smile on my face as I walked towards her.

When I was infront of her, Ruby spoke, "You're the guy that helped stopped the robbery last night, right?"

"Yup, that's pretty much me..."

"I haven't introduced myself. I'm-"

"Ruby Rose." I smirked, "Name's Rymson Arden." I offered ny hand.

She was surprised that I knew her name. It wasn't that hard since she was the first person scolded by Miss- I mean- Professor Goodwitch. Despite that, she shook it.

Ruby formed a grip on my hand and dragged me further into the crowd, "Come on, I want you to meet someone."

After pushing through crowds a bit later, she let go when we were by the seats where a certain blonde-haired girl was, waiting and looking around the place.

"Hey, Yang." Ruby called out to her sister. "I want you to meet someone."

Yang turned around to see her sister, a smile forming on her face. She nearly nearly tackled Ruby only to hug her.

"Um-m... Y-yang... A-air..." Ruby gasped for air. Yang let go and ruffled her hair shyly, a nervous laugh escaping her mouth.

"So, who's this, your crush?" She asked her sister teasingly.

A slight red hue appeared on my face after Yang asked. Didn't know she was that of a sister.

I don't know if it was just me or I saw Ruby had the same when her sister said that. She yelled at her sister, "Yang!"

"Calm down, sis." She joked, raising her hands slightly. She turned to me, "Hi, I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's sister."

Of course, I knew that but it doesn't hurt to play along. " I'm Rymson Arden. So wait, how come you and Ruby are sister?"

"Technically, we're half sisters." Yang answered.

An 'oh' escaped from my mouth. It was fun to play along when you already know the information .

The auditorium went silent as soon as Professor Ozpin, along with Professor Goodwitch walked onto the stage. The headmaster headed towards the microphone at the center while the other stayed at the back.

He began his speech, "I'll keep this very brief..."

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