16|Training for the Festival

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I awoke to the sound to gunshots ringing out early in the morning. And when I say early, it's about six in the morning. My eyes opened wide in surprise for a moment before I got irritated. I knew well who had this as a wake up call for his team.

"Rise and shine, team!" Rymson shouted like a superior officer at training camp, only less formal and strict. "Come on, how about we train as a team today? The Vytal Festival is getting near day by day."

"Can't we do it some other day?" I prostested. The Vytal Festival isn't to happen before a month or so. "It's the last weekend of the week. We want to at least relax before classes start again."

"Oh quit whining." He retorted. Rymson started walking around, going bed to bed, taking off our blankets one by one. The moment he stood to my right, I threw my pillow at in annoyance. He moved his head to the side, the pillow hitting Alec who just got up.

"You missed." He remarked as he took my blanket and tossed it lightly to the side. As funny as it looked, he skipped to the window and drew the curtains.

Thank Oum, the sun didn't shine down on us that much. After a few minutes, we finished fixing up our beds. Rymson sat on his bed, busy on his Scroll. Alec took a sit by the window sill like yesterday. The slightly cool breeze went inside similar to the AC Unit our room has.

Viola and I stood before the vanity mirror she had, combing our hairs. While Viola would have troubles with her brush, I didn't. One of the perks of having short hair is that you don't even need to brush anymore. I could give my hair a single brush and it's good to go.

Just as I finished, my head turned to the right to see Viola, who was irritatingly upset with brushing her hair. She glared at her own hair like she wanted to burn it.

"Come on, I'll do it for you." I chuckled as Viola and I sat on her bed with me behind her brushing her hair. As I did, we talked about our families, lives before Beacon and other stuff.

Since we chatted while I brushed her hair, Rymson and Alec took the time to change to their own training attire. Rymson told us that he'll check out the training grounds to see if no one is using it. While he was out, Viola and I learned so much about each other as we continued having a good talk.

Rymson came back in a few minutes after we finished and changed to our own training clothes, which happens to be the same thing we wear during initiation. He told us that it was clear and we can go and grab our gear.

After dropping by the lockers, we walked towards the training stadium. It was where combat classes were taught by Professor Goodwitch. Like any other unused school facility during a weekend, the lights were off. It's a good thing that the switch was right next to the entrance.

The clicking sounds of the lights going on rang as they opened one by one in a circular manner. We quickly ran towards the ring where Rymson explained the reasons why we were training.

"The Vytal Festival is only a month or two from now but that doesn't mean we get slack off then train at the last minute. I know that a lot has happened to us and our friends for the past week but that shouldn't be the reason why we get to rest." Rymson started. "Now, we'll train for two hours and more. And of course, we have water breaks."

Then, we started sparring. The four of us fought against by pairs. Rymson said we'll try every pair we can so that all of us will be familiar with everyone's fighting style. First spar were partners against partners, meaning me and Rymson versus Alec and Viola. I caught somewhat a glimpse of how we all fight but haven't seen the full potential we could give.

Rymson and I stood a fair distance away from Alec and Viola. My partner usually goes double his weapons but instead uses only one and in its sword mode. "What happened to your other gun?" I asked without leaving my eyes on Alec and Viola.

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