1|A Good Night's Coffee

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Vale. One of Remnant's four kingdoms. A place where it was quiet, lively, and flourishing economy. Well, much like the other three kingdoms, they have their protectors, guardians, etc.: Huntsmen and Huntresses. People who swore protect, to serve, to be the light when darkness prevailed.

I wanted to be one but it wasn't to seek fame, money or live a good, adventurous life. I wanted answers to the questions that haunted me ever since that day when I lost them. I wanted to know the reason why it was me...

"Nothing's better than walking at night with a cup of frappuchino." Saying to myself, I took a sip from my cold drink, hoping to at least push away those thoughts momentarily

Even the night was colder than I anticipated, making me zip up my crimson coat though I was drinking something cold at a time like this.

Walking my way along the streets, I was told by my benefactor to find a shop named 'Dust 'Til Dawn' where I should be picking up my monthly package. In exchange, I would carry this briefcase I'm holding with my free hand.

Come to think of it, I never bothered myself to know what's inside. Trained to be disciplined, I followed orders, no questions asked, whatsoever. Especially if the one giving orders is the one who saved my life and took me under her wing.

To be honest, I could've done this in broad daylight but you could get... a little preoccupied if the shortcut route you use to get to Vale happens to be a part of Mountain Glenn, a well-known territory of Grimm.

I found myself at the front door. There was a signage that says no food or drinks were allowed inside.

"Too bad..." I muttered to myself before finishing my drink. Seeing no trash bins around, I placed the empty cup by the door. Then, I entered.

As I opened the door, it hits a hanging door bell, ringing it. I saw an elderly clerk, busy in writing in his notebook.

The old man noticed the sound and kept his log of inventory aside, turned his attention to his new customer and greeted, "Good evening young man, what can I do for you?"

"Someone told me that I could pick up a certain parcel here once a month. She also told me to hand over to you in exchange." Replying as I handed the case over the counter. The symbol of my benefactor was on it, proving it authentic.

I saw him clearly trying to hide being surprised. Nevertheless, he took it and placed it on the small shelf beside the counter. He turned back to me and said, "Why don't you look around while I search for that parcel. It's not easy being old nowadays." He finished off with a weak laugh.

I chuckled in response as I did what he recommended. I have to admit, this place is pretty spacious than the other Dust stores I've been to. As expected, I saw different packagings of Dusts. There were these big Crushed Dust Canisters at the side I saw awhile ago.

I noticed that I wasn't the only customer here as I saw a red hooded person. Looking above, it was reading a weapons magazine. Maybe a weapon enthusiast.

Too bad it didn't last long when I heard the bell rang. Someone else was here. Questions began to pop up.

'Was I followed? The shortcut route I took was pretty much filled with Grimm so no one could have followed me here. Just need to make sure...'

I was almost near to see who it was but I heard a voice stopped me in my tracks, I hid. I knew that voice. I grew up alongside him, naive to the lies he deceived me with, costing everyone I loved.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop at this time of the night?" Roman Torchwick asked the shopkeeper. I peeked through a tiny gap between the two tall stands to see one of his goons point a gun at shopkeeper. Seeing Torchwick made me form a grasp around my GunBlade.

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