7|Fight Between Partners

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After having our appetite pleased, we went towards our next class: History. It was taught by Professor-slash-Doctor Oobleck. He was an addict to caffeine. Maybe that's the reason why he can zip across the room in a second. Of course, unless that's his Semblance

Only G.A (Grimm Anatomy) sent me to sleep. Other subject interest me, especially History. There was so much that happened in Remnant: myths, wars, peace treaties, revolutions and things that left a mark in the lives of the people.

I wonder if Mountain Glenn would be discussed or mention to say the least. It has been an entire decade since that day.

Doctor Oobleck was still lecturing. It was fast but it wasn't hard to catch onto what he was talking about. The others were paying attention as well.

The girls didn't know of what happened earlier but it was best kept that way for a while.

"So, what started it?" I askes Alec after I finished jotting down my notes.

He looked at me in confusion then realized what I was talking about. "She was scolding Ruby for acting a bit immature during last class. Weiss does have a point but she didn't need to go that far."

"Who didn't need to go that far?" Nyx asked.

It almost made us jump off our seats in surprise when we heard her. Alec and I glanced to the left, seeing Viola and Nyx looking at us, their heads tilted in confusion.

Alec explained what happened. Surprisingly, Nyx didn't react the way I expected her to. She just gave a heavy sigh and replied, "Still the same Weiss I knew. No wonder why she's a brat sometimes. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, always getting whatever she wanted."

The rest of the class went on as usual. We reurned to our dorm room to change for the next period, Combat Training. It was required for us huntsmen and huntresses-in-training to well train until our proctor, Professor Goodwitch, was certain that we're ready.

Aftet ten minutes, we were all in our combat attire.

I was in my black undershirt, brown pants and my running shoes. I put on my crimson coat that had the same details as my other jacket: a flame orange XV on my right shoulder and my flame insignia on the back. I wore my belt that had my leather holsters attached and I swapped my casual gloves with my leather combat ones.

My partner, Nyx, wore her white and black long sleeved shirt with a denim jumper on top. She also has gloves but they were black, fingerless, had lines coursing through and a punk-like look to it. Lastly, she had a pair of welding goggles around her neck.

"What's with the goggles?" I asked her. I only noticed it now after wlthe first time we found each other during initiation.

"It's a surprise.~" She sang, smiling. If you ask her anything regarding her attire or weapon, she'd just smile or smirk and let you find it out for yourself.

Alec sported an electric blue with orange lining vest with a hood on top of his white muscle shirt. He wore khaki cargo shorts that were a bit below his knees and blue sneakers. What were unusual were his steel gauntlet and something that was wrapped around his whole left arm called a vambrace.

It was Viola who took most time in changing up to her combat attire. She had a paper flower on her hair, a white scarf with blue linings wrapped around her neck. Viola wore a shirt with white above and black under, a blue 3/4 polo with purple buttons and elbow patches, and a violet skirt that are a little below the knees. At the bottom, she wore striped knee socks and leather boots.

We had to stop by the locker room to pick up our weapons. Our weapons weren't allowed at the dormitory unless you had a permit to bring them so.

Along the way, we stumbled into team RWBY, JNPR and CRDL. I didn't get to see Frost and her team. They're probably there, earlier than us.

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