Wish it was a dream

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My hearts racing. I feel the rush. It's silent. You could hear the blood rushing through my blood veins. The adrenaline, the rush, all the power. My hearts in full power. It's a race car, I can hear the motor in my head, I can feel the ground shaking in my body. It's like a race car. The smoke fills my mind, my head, all the power, the heat, the adrenaline it's all to much. It's gonna over heat it can't take these speeds. It takes off at great speeds. It's going to fast, it has seconds to stop or it will crash. The speed, my blood rushing through my body, it's all so fast. I take deep breathes, the engine now starting to cool down. My minds not speeding as fast. The shaking, rumble of the ground it's all starting to fade, to slow down. The smoke is fading, my heads not in as much pain I'm able to start to think a little clearer. I feel ok, I stop taking those deep breaths. I start panicking, I hold my breath. The car starts over heating, it's speeding up, it's to fast 0-100 in seconds. It's too late now the cars gone. The car starts trying to break, pain starts to go to my head. The cars still flying down the track, smokes filling my mind everything's become a thick fog, it's hot, I can't see or think straight. The car speeds up and tries keeping traction. My chest is starting to hurt the deeper I breath the worse the pain gets making me loss more traction. The car hits a wall, my minds in panic, pain shoots through my chest finally the car slams into a big wall the pain shoots through my chest. I can't breathe but then everything starts to clear, the smoke fades, the pains gone, no trouble breathing, no pain, I don't hear the rushing of blood pulsating through my head and body. I see and hear, I'm no longer panicking. It's all become calm. The cars removed from the track, the broken car is cleared, the cars pulled off the track. Then it's all gone. Like nothing ever happened. It's gone only a memory for me and then slowly even the memory of the crash fading into darkness and then gone. I open my eyes and take a deep breath wishing this was just a dream

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