The boy

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Sometimes i get this funny feeling from deep inside. Like ill get all upset and scared and all i want to do is run and hide. The sudden flashbacks, the things my mind took and twisted. I get so quiet sometimes, i do it when the voices get loud. You know somethings you break cant be put back together. You can try and try but it wont work. You're finger traced my outline or at least thats how it felt. You left bruises upon my skin. You laughed at the pain u gave, because to u it was all just a game. The internal hell i walked through. You loved seeing the fear in my eyes. The broken smile that laid upon my face. Broken peices eventually fall apart. Every memory i have with you is a bad memory. But im the only one who knows it. She asked me if i fear you and when i told her yes she looked at me like i was insane. See my mama still like you but hey she likes everyone always "see's there best" My mama taught me when someone does wrong to ask for help, to scream for it if i needed it, but when i came to her with tears in my eyes and told her what you did she said i was the one who did wrong not you. My mama showed more love to you than to the girl she gave birth too. I tried to find a reason to not hate you but you scared me and you gave my mind things it could twist and torture me with at night when im all alone. you did this to me! Ohh im so broken. I do hate you and I don't think I could ever see your face again. Im falling apart. Sometimes the memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks but for you it was all just a big game that meant nothing but for a little fun...right? I had a ephinay, what if everyone found out my thoughts were a lot worse than they thought? They probably gonna look at me differently. Everyone says forget all your wrongs and move on, but how can i do such a thing when you gave me so much to remember over and over each day of my life?

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