Things that keep me up at night

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My biggest fear isn't that I'll be lied to or cheated on. My biggest fear is that one day you'll wake up before me and instead of leaning in to kiss my cheek, you'll look at my sleeping body and start noticing all my flaws. My makeup less face, how fat I look, my crooked nose, my chapped lips and all my scars and stretch marks that are littered across my body. You'll think about my random spouts of jealousy and when I get upset over little things, or the fact I talk to much. You'll remember how annoying it is that no matter what, I'm always right and just how selfish I can be sometimes. You will start to think of all the yelling I do and fights I cause. You'll walk into the kitchen, make a cup of black coffee, stare at the pale morning rays of sunlight entertaining the window frame, and came to the conclusion that for no reason at don't love me anymore. That you never truly loved me and you were just blinded for some time. I fear I'll wake up and you will tell me it wasn't me you just never really truly loved me and so now you want to leave me. I fear I'll be broke again but this time I trusted you completely and i know I won't ever be able to trust like I did with you, ever again. I can't sleep...I'm here over thinking this, I'm scared, don't do it. Please don't do this to me. I'll be so tired. This fear it overwhelms me and I can't fight it because no one have ever truly supported and loved me the way I am. This is what keeps me awake at night...this is just a glimpse

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