When you left...

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I was sad but mainly upset. I looked back at all the mistakes you made and every time you hurt me but after a while I realized you were only human. You did all you could and what u thought was best. I still reflect on old times, how it felt to talk to you. I knew from the beginning this wouldn't last but I'm tired now and my hope for our friendship died like all others. Idk where you are now or if ur even alive but If you ever read this I want you to know I take some the blame cause I stayed when I knew that was the wrong choice but I do hope you're well. If I could change the past I wouldn't change what happened between us. You took care of ur life the way you properly felt and I hope by now u understand why I couldn't stick around. I should have been your life, your strength, world, your everything but I wasn't ever. My love goes out to you and your family where ever you are I hope your well and truly I appreciate you coming into my life and being there for me through the up hill and down hill emotions and situations. I hope I never hear from you again as mean as that sounds you made some of the worst nights/days and memories for me. With a smile on my face I say my last words to you, Goodbye

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