A lost lover

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Wash away my true colors. Hide the person I really am. I don't deserve this life. I officially failed the life exam. My inner demons have taken over for I struggle every day. I found myself feeling hopeless and left here alone cornered by my own thoughts. I feel so lonely, worthless, and sad. It all started with the words that remained unsaid. Unaware, you just left me here hanging, breathless and unprotected. If only you knew of the many nights I cried. The scars I left, lay upon my skin like paint splattered on an empty canvas. You're just a selfish lover who's left me unloved and blind. You were merely an illusion created out of my unconditional affection for you. You left me in this war alone because you picked her over me. Now all those promises you made feel like knives plunged against my back.

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