My thoughts

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My thoughts are like a warm blanket.  Always by my side during the day but at night I'm wrapped up tight in them.  Engulfed in there strong grip, smothered  in a hug so stiff it clings to every inch of my body slowly suffocating me until i find a way to free myself of this scary reality i am to face.    No one sees me trying to stay alive, no one sees my fight. The only thing seen is my scars.  How do you go on living when every night ur tightly suffocated by ur thoughts with no one there when ur about to pass out from the lack of life left in you.  How do you go on when ur depression pulls you back into the deep waters like a ball and chain hooked onto ur legs.  How do you get air when all ur doing is suffocating at night and drowning during the day.  When will I receive a break from this? Will i ever? I have no idea if it will ever get better or if I'll make it to the day it does.....

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