Care+ Concern=Love

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Author's Note:

Hi friends! I want 60 votes for this part, please do vote as only 8 parts remaining depending upon your votes, I will complete within a week.
Thank you for ur valuable votes and comments😊😊
Thank you for reading silent readers, if u like this part ,do vote.😊😊


Now come back to story line:

A new morning arises, Pragya got ready and went to hospital to meet Neil and she send Maya to home as she stayed throughout the night. After that she called for Abhi but he didn't attend the call ,she then went inside Neil's room.

She can't able to control her tears seeing him like a weak patient. She went near him and hold his hand and starts crying. Neil got up from his sleep but still in his supine position.

Neil told Pragya not to cry as he is not ready to wrench in her tears and he feels stinky in hospital suit and making faces

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Neil told Pragya not to cry as he is not ready to wrench in her tears and he feels stinky in hospital suit and making faces.

Pragya playfully hit him on his shoulder, then both of them started chatting and she told everything about Abhi to him. Neil told Pragya to make him meet Abhi soon.

She agreed with him. At that time samaira and all her friends came in to see Neil.
(Neil and Samaira are lovers)

Samaira took a pillow and hit him and she told I have already warned you to be careful while driving, but you won't listen to me,na...

Don't act as if I am hitting with stick, it's just a pillow man, and don't talk to me,hereafter and I hate you..

"Me too devil ",said Neil. Then they started quarreling with each other.
Their friends started to laugh at him as it is routine for them to see their fight.

Now Pragya thought about Abhi, she excused herself from her friends, by telling  that she have to meet an important person and bid bye to Neil.

She called for him but he didn't attend the call, she again tried, this time he attended it in a sleepy voice.
Before she speaks, Abhi started the conversation.

Abhi: Ronnie, come fast ,I can't able to sit, eat, get up too. I am struggling here, what are you doing there?

Pragya felt bad for his condition.

Pragya: Abhi, I am coming there , don't worry

Abhi: Pragya... No,no, I am fine, I will manage, you have to go to college Na..My PA is coming ,he will take care of me.

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