I got my soulmate finally

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Now come back to our story line:

A beautiful morning arises and the arrangements for Pragya's engagement started in a full swing. Our Pragya is keep on trying to call Abhi but he is not attending it as he promised her dad. Her fear level increases each minute.

Arrival of Janice and her family:
All the family members got shocked seeing them coming with the luggage. Dadi is so happy and scared about her elder son. Purab felt awkward to stand there and his mom and dad smiled towards their family. On that time Raj came out of his room and came downstairs. All are looking at him eagerly and scared about how he will react. But to their surprise and shock,

Raj: my little princess came home finally, I have arranged your room and Purab's room is next to yours.
Robin, take the luggage to my kutty's room and hereafter she will stay with us. (Saying so, he rests his hands on Purab's shoulder.
Purab smiled at him.)

Why everyone are seeing as if you saw a ghost.
My love for my sister has overcome my rage on her.
Then our Purab will work with us ,I told him to leave his job too. All are happy, right!!

Everyone smiled at them, all are so happy and dadi in happiness hugged Raj, Janice and Purab and invited them in.

Everyone smiled at them, all are so happy and dadi in happiness hugged Raj, Janice and Purab and invited them in

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Dadi: Finally you have changed your mind, thank God. Tell me Raj which made you to change ur mind.

Raj Doesn't know how to answer them and he told the half truth.

Raj: I have changed my mind from responsible elder son to old caring brother. (With a smile)
And one reason is my little Bulbul's words. Bulbul, I don't know ,you have this much maturity.

Purab: uncle, what did you think of her? She even sell the world with her words. She is such a dangerous person (with a slight laugh)

Purab earned a deadly glare from Bulbul, and he gulped hard and Raj smiled at both of them.
Then Janice, Shakthi and Purab went to her room after wishing them.

Pragya in teary eyed smiled at her dad. Raj felt bad for her and he came towards her.

Raj: I could understand your feelings Pragya. But I can't help you, leave it in God's hands, he will unite with the person whose fate is written with you.
(Saying so, he blessed her by patting his hand on her head).

abhigya  Got My  Soulmate (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now