True love has the power to change the minds

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Now come back to our Story line:

The whole family got shocked beyond words for the first time for seeing the bold nature of Pragya who openly declared her love for Abhi that too before her dad and her whole family.

With the shock, Raj sat on sofa with no words.

Raj Doesn't know what to answer her daughter ,he respects her words but he gave words to groom's family. Now if he stopped the alliance, it will affect the family's respect.

Raj in mind:
Already because of Janice, they got humiliations now again a marriage that too for the second girl child of his family. If is stopped, Bulbul's marriage will be affected and others will talk bad about my family. Then we can't walk on the road pridefully. People will talk bad about us not only behind but also in front of us.

As the first son of my dad, I have responsibilities towards my family. If  I think about my daughter's happiness, may be I am ready to get humiliations but not only it affect me but also my brothers and their family.

To be honest, I like Abhi more than the groom I selected for her and his words shows how much he loves my daughter and surely he will take care of my Pragya better than me. But what about my family's respect? What about my family's happiness?
What should I do now?
I must need time to think about it further.

Neil in mind:Thank God, finally you opened this stupid Pragya's eyes, now I became sure his dad will surely agree with Abhi. (With that he happily kissed Abhi's cheeks).

Mind set of family members:
Pragya's mom: Oh no, Pragya's dad will be broken, he always think about his daughters and this family.
I don't know why God testing us again and again.
Abhi is a good child ,I like him as my son but if Pragya's marriage again stopped, our family has to face a lot of consequences.

Dadi: oh God, why didn't you give a small amount of brain to my son. See Abhi, how handsome he is, looking like a rock star not only that he loves our Pragya to the core.
Why doesn't this Raj agree for their marriage?

Raj's brothers in mind:
(One by one)
How sweet that Abhi, Pragya will be lucky to have him.

Why bro is thinking as if it is a world war problem, if I was there in his situation, I wil hug Abhi and kiss him too.

OMG, I don't know when my little daughter grown up this high, to stand for her love.

OMG, I don't know when my little daughter grown up this high, to stand for her love

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